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Pepper looked over at Tyler, who didn't seem to be paying attention, and bit her lip. Maybe she could look around just a little more in the AMO's files.

Her hands glided across the keyboard and mouse, her eyes glued to the screen as she skimmed through files. Then, one caught her eye. 'Supernaturals'.

She didn't know exactly what she was looking for, but it intrigued her. She clicked on it, and it lead to other files: 'Agents', 'On The Watch For', 'Camps', 'Events'. The 'Camps' one was the one that caught her eye, but 'Events' interested her as well.

When she went onto the 'Events' file, it lead to a long list of upcoming events in order of the ones coming the soonest. Her eyes widened as she saw 'The Executions of 2832 and Rylie Garner'. She went to look for more information, and found the date of it. They'd have to rescue them some time before that.

Her mind ran back to the 'Camps' section and she went back to it. She quickly went into it.

'Antarctica Camp', 'Diego Garcia Camp', 'Syrian Desert Camp', 'Surtsey Camp', 'Poveglia Island Camp'.

She was only aware of one of them, which was the one in Syria that Sav had been in. She chose the Syrian one and was given a list of its supernaturals and their power level, a picture attached. It had at least a couple hundred occupants. It was similar with the others.

One person was in bold. It had a picture of young girl, wincing at the light of the camera with dirt on her face. Her power level was marked as zero, which Pepper could only assume meant extremely powerful. The name was T2994.

She'd recognize the face anywhere, however.

"Tyler!" She hissed. "Get over here!"

"What?" He moaned.

"Tyler," she said, excitedly. "I think I just found Alexis."

He jumped up and ran over. "What? How?!"

The other three of their group suddenly ran in. "They're here!" Marcus rushed. "Tell me you finished!"

"I did!" Pepper said, showing the blueprints she'd printed for proof. "But I found something else, or actually, multiple something else's—"

"No time," Monica interrupted, as Teddy locked the door. "How does this teleporting thing work?"

"Everyone needs to touch some part of me," he instructed.

"Guys, I think you should listen to Pep—" Tyler began.

"Not now." Monica cut him off, placing a hand on Teddy's shoulder. Marcus got his other shoulder, and the other two held his hands.

Teddy closed his eyes and focused. An orange swirl appeared, but it was faint and weak. "Is it working?" Tyler asked, confused.

"It's hard with this many people," he muttered. "But I can do it."

There was bang as someone tried to get through the door. They all winced nervously. "Any time, Ted," Pepper said, sarcastically.

Suddenly, the door burst open. A fleet of agents instantly filled the room. "On your knees! Hands up!" A man shouted orders as guns were pointed at them. Putting their faith in their only supernatural, they didn't do as told. "Do as I say or I will—"

Then, they were gone.


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