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MARCH — THE AMO — 11:41

"How do you know the way?" Marcus whispered.

"Memory. I saw the blueprints," Pepper replied simply, trying to appear calm as she passed agents that could very well recognize her and then everything would go wrong. However, they all seemed preoccupied with going somewhere. She guessed to wherever they were going to kill Sav and Rylie.

He muttered something incoherent but she didn't pay any mind to it. She turned the corner and beamed in delight when she found the room she was looking for, especially seeing as it was empty. The walls were barely walls, but windows and glass. There were multiple desks with computers. It was practically heaven to her.

"Come on," she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside. "Lock the door and draw the curtains."

Pepper sat down in front of a desk as Marcus did as told. She pulled the ridiculous wig off and freed her hair, then began tapping away at the keyboard. "So what are you going to do?" Marcus asked, looking over shoulder. He knew a little bit of the language of coding, but barely.

"First, find out where they are doing it," Pepper explained. "Then, I'll shut off the lights and give Teddy a chance to teleport in and grab Rylie and Sav. After that, we escape as quickly as possible. I'll try to lock all the doors to keep them inside wherever they are, unless the doors aren't electrical but I highly doubt they aren't."

Pepper easily found her way to the security camera's system and clicked through the screen until she found someone. Then, just as before, she followed them. "Where is that?" Marcus asked, leaning even closer to her.

She sighed irritably. "Can you stop breathing down my neck?" He quickly stood back up. "It's the training room. God, that's a lot of people."

"It's a big room, though," Marcus said, squinting. "Looks like it's large enough."

"But I can't see Rylie or Sav anywhere," she murmured. "Whatever. This seems like this is about the right place." She discovered that the doors were electrical, as she thought, and hacked into them so it'd be easy to control later on. Secondly, she also got control over the lights in the room.

Marcus took out his phone and texted the others, saying that they were all set.

Then, they heard footsteps. Loud and purposeful, as well as multiple. "Oh, shit," he muttered.

"They found us. Oh my god, they found us," Pepper whispered, fear coursing through her.

"The door's locked though, right? They can't get in." He bit his lip.

"I don't think a locked door is going to stop them, dumbass." She ran a hand through her hair.

"She's in here!" They heard from the hall.

"What do we do?" He asked, nervously pacing as they heard low talking outside the door. "Can we just jump out the window? It's only the second floor."

"No, or they'll kill our friends!" She hissed.

"Yeah, well they're going to kill both of us, too!" He snapped right back, throwing off his hat to reveal his electric blue hair in frustration.

She paused, freezing in spot. "You're thinking," he said, running over to her. "You have an idea. What's the idea?"

She looked up at him, guiltily. "They don't know we're both in here."

He took a step back. "You're brilliant. Go hide—you're the only one who can do what's needed."

"No!" She replied urgently. "They'll know it was me. They won't believe it if they see you sitting in that chair. It has to be me."

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