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The rest of the plane ride was boring. Morgan kept on getting glances thrown over at her, mainly eyeing the handcuffs and wondering whether or not they were safe. She decided to be smart about it all, however. She knew there would likely be some AMO agents at the airport to take her in, and she could not let that happen. But she wasn't about to make a scene with everyone watching, especially one that involved her powers.

The seatbelt light blinked on. As Fulmon clipped his and her's in, he spoke, "We're going to walk out of the plane where some of my coworkers will properly take you into custody. Your bag over there will be searched. Did you have any luggage with you?"

"No," she replied, calmly. "What about my friends? Are you going to falsely arrest them, too?"

"The judge will decide whether or not you're innocent," he said. "As for your friends, there is no warrant for them, so they won't be arrested. Unless they're accomplices?"

"I bet you can tell by their confusion that they're not," she stated.

As the plane slowly on the runway and eventually came to a stop, he unbuckled both of them as the pilot's message ran through the speakers. Everyone began to leave, Pepper and Joey looking back at her, wondering when she was going to act. Fulmon waited for most of the passengers to leave, then they stood and he grabbed the crook of her elbow and her bag.

"Let's go, Miss Carter."

The stewardesses looked at her warily, not giving her a warm goodbye as they had with everyone else. They went through the tunnel back to the airport building.

In a second, Morgan had unlocked her handcuffs and brought them to the front. "Hold this for a second?" She asked, then when he turned around, she dropped them and swiftly punched him across the face. He stumbled backwards, his lip busted.

"What the hell?"

He ran towards her and brought his foot up for a kick which she caught with her mind, and locked a few inches away from her side. Then, she whipped him against the wall and he fell unconscious. Satisfied, she took her bag back, and walked out.

Pepper and Joey were waiting anxiously near the entrance of the corridor. "You worried us," Joey said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Let's not celebrate too fast," she responded, looking around the building. "I've apparently got more friends here."

The group tried to blend in as they did everything they needed to do to get out of the airport. They arrived at the lobby. "Where are we, again?" Joey asked.

"Aleppo," Pepper replied. "But we need to get to Palmyra—it's close to the desert."

"Good," Morgan said, still trying to casually look around for any AMO agents. Then, she saw a man who had just noticed her, then looked back to two other men and pointed over at her. "Shit. You guys go hail a taxi. I'll be there soon."

Joey looked hesitant, but complied. The two took all their bags and went through the front doors, trying to catch the attention of a taxi driver.

Morgan loomed over at the men in casual clothing, who were walking over to her. They looked like they had attempted to blend in, but their stony expressions and muscles stood out like a sore thumb. She didn't wait to taunt them, and instead ran off in the opposite direction Joey and Pepper went.

They raced after her as soon as she moved, shouting at her to stop, some in Arabic and some in bad, accented English. Clearly, they weren't from the AMO as she had thought. It was either they were regular officers who heard about the warrant for her arrest like Fulmon, or were some men in Syria connected to the Syrian camp. If it was the latter, she'd have to be careful about the power-preventing handcuffs.

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