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"Be quiet!" Tyler hushed. "My parents are sleeping, and if they knew I was up now-"

"Ha!" Monica chuckled, quietly. "I don't have to deal with that."

"Don't be so sure," he said, seriously. "If you're their kid, and you're under their roof? It doesn't matter that you moved out, they'll still beat your ass."

"Ok, enough of your family stuff—where's Rylie?" Pepper asked.

"He doesn't have flight anymore, so he's probably driving over here," Marcus suggested.

"Right," she muttered.

The door suddenly burst open, and 2832 glared at them. "What?" She demanded, her loud tone having her shushed. "I didn't even get to fight yet," she said, in a significantly quieter voice.

"Well, good, it's illegal," Monica huffed.

"Please, you guys are doing something illegal everyday."

"Alright, we already had this conversation," Pepper cut in.

2832 crossed her arms. "Why did you want me here?"

"The AMO, as you call it, found out where we were," Marcus explained. "We managed to hack into their systems. We had to leave as soon as possible, and figured we should have a meeting."

"Where is our base going to be now, then?" 2832 asked.

"That's what we're going to figure out. Our only option was Tyler's house," Pepper continued.

"That's stupid," 2832 replied, rolling her eyes. "His parents are here, I'm guessing? We couldn't have gone to, I don't know, a garage or something?"

"It was a spur of the moment decision, alright?"

Suddenly, they heard the creak of a door opening upstairs. Tyler's eyes widened. "I told you to be quiet!"

"We were!" Marcus responded in a harsh whisper.

"I'm not getting caught up in this," 2832 stated, walking over to the door and slamming it shut. Everybody winced, knowing fully well that if they weren't already caught, they definitely were now.

"Tyler?" Mr Fidden called from the top of the stairs, followed by Mrs Fidden.

Tyler sighed. "Yeah, it's me, dad. And Monica," he added, glaring at her.

"What are you doing up at this hour?" Mrs Fidden demanded, walking down in her night robe. "And who are these people?"

"This is my boyfriend, Marcus," Monica replied, smiling forcefully as she looped her arm around his, nudging him with her elbow.

"Uh, yeah, hi."

"Yeah, and Pepper here-"

"Is a friend," Pepper gritted out, stopping Tyler before he could trap her in the mistake Monica had already made. "Here to finish up a project."

"At one-thirty in the morning," Mr Fidden finished, their lie clearly sounding suspicious.

"Very last minute," Pepper responded, grabbing his wrist and pulling him up the stairs.

"And your likely story?" Mrs Fidden demanded, crossing her arms as she glared at Marcus.

"We just wanted to spend time together," Monica smiled as convincingly as she could, wrapping her arms around Marcus lovingly.

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