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"That's us," Sean said, standing up from their table.

"What does the K said for?"

Madilyn grimaced. "Kid. The older than twenty-five groups just have numbers, but ours have the same numbers, so they added Kid in front of it. Kind of degrading."

They had walked to the Sergeant's office, and now stood in front of him, waiting for him to tell them what their mission was about. "You'll be going to doing a gang bust. It's too dangerous for average police to go, since we have reason to believe they have an SN."

"Don't you think this is a bit too hard for a first timer?" Madilyn asked, sneaking a smirk in 2832's direction. "Maybe Savage should stay behind."

"I see you've already given her a name," Travers smiled. "It suits her. But I have the upmost faith in Savage. She can handle it. She defeated 2387."

"Right," Sean nodded in remembrance. "He was in Bradley's group. Screwed up the entire operation."

"The gang is just in Portland. You'll be driving there in a few hours. They've been causing trouble—robberies, terrorist attacks, shootings. Your goal is to kill everyone except for the SN." He gave them a picture of a man, with orange hair and a scruff of a beard, he looked young, in his early twenties. He had blue eyes, half closed. He looked drowsy in the picture, like he had been sedated and was barely awake when they snapped the picture.

"What kind is he?" Sean asked.

"Telekinetic," Travers answered, sneaking a glance at her.

"Two telekinetics going at it? How's that going to end?" Madilyn snorted, crossing her arms.

"Depends. What level is he?" 2832 questioned.

"We don't have a specific number, but most likely ten or over," he explained. "Now, go get ready. You'll get the full details on the drive."


It hadn't been difficult to pack. 2832 stopped by the weapon room and picked out two Springfield Armory, XD 4 inch full size model, with thumb safety, guns. The caliber had .45ACP. It was just a handgun, but she found it better than the fancy, bulky guns. She then selected three newly sharpened daggers, and slipped two into her boots, the other on the inside of her jacket. She made sure to get extra clips and magazines.

She quickly french braided some of her hair on her head into a half up, half down ponytail, then twisted it into a bun. She left the rest of her hair down, which was past her armpits now, thanks to her SN DNA.

2832 walked to the lobby where she'd be meeting everyone until they left. There stood all three of her teammates, and Cole. "You're leading the mission?" She said, one eyebrow raised.

"Harpo is," he clarified. "I'll be filling you in on the ride there."

Madilyn had French braided her hair down the middle, the braid traveling down her back. She wore a grey long sleeved shirt and leggings, a black sweater tied around her waist. 2832 could only guess how many weapons she had on her.

Sean had a dark grey shirt on with a black jacket. He wore navy grey jeans, and boots. He, plain as day, held a bigger gun than her's at his side.

Harpo's black hair seemed to have been long enough to put up in a small bun on his head. He wore similar clothes to Sean, but kept his firearms hidden like Madilyn and 2832.

2832 wore a grey shirt hugging her body, cropped just above her belly button. She had slipped on a black leather jacket which hid one of her knives, and had black jeans more stretchy than average. She finally wore combat boots on her feet, and was ready as hell for her mission. She had been waiting to kick some ass for a while.

A black car swerved in front of the AMO. 2832 followed the other three inside to the back seat. Madilyn and Harpo took the very back, while she and Sean sat in front of them. Cole slipped into the passenger seat beside the driver of whom she didn't care to remember, and they were off.

"There are fifty armed terrorists," Cole explained, turning around in his seat to face them. "I advise you to take them down one at a time until there are less left, preferably without them knowing. Of course, that's your call, Harpocrates."

He nodded mutely.

"The SN needs to be brought back alive. That does not mean you can beat them until they are on the brink of death," he said. The need to clarify seemed directed at Madilyn, who huffed and leaned back in her seat. "Do whatever is needed to be able to inject this into them." He gave it to Sean, and he passed it to Harpo. It was a blue liquid inside a needle with a cap on it. "It's a mix of trimethylxanthine and detomidine. It will knock them out and weaken them temporarily. I suggest you do not let Madilyn handle it."

Madilyn rolled her eyes.

"We kill all of them?" Sean confirmed.

"Yes," Cole replied. "The supernatural will be taken to a camp the next day."

He continued to tell them all the details of the op during the thirty minute drive. He told them what weapons they might have, gave them a map of the warehouse the gang was staying in, and advice for dealing with them. Nobody was to come out alive except for the SN. And when they were done, they were to burn the building down until the bodies turned to ashes so they could blame it on being an accident.

Team K16 finally arrived at the warehouse, the car dropping them off a couple blocks down. Two guards were at the door, watching, as the group hid around the corner. "Plan?" Madilyn whispered, as they fiddled with the earpieces they were given.

"Sean, Madilyn. You two kill those two and head in through the main entrance. Sav and I will go around the back entrance," Harpo instructed. It was the first time she heard him speak. "All of our priorities are killing everyone, except for Sav. She and only she goes after the SN." Madilyn looked like she wanted to complain, but decided against it.

They nodded in agreement. 2832 followed Harpo to the back of the warehouse, silently sneaking around. He suddenly turned around and looked her in the eye. "Here," he said, giving her the syringe. "Don't show them you're an SN in the very beginning. You're our secret weapon."

She agreed, and he kicked open the unguarded back door. There was another leading into the inside but he didn't seem interested in it. Instead, he began to climb a ladder up to the rafters. 2832 followed suit. "Now what?" Sean asked through the earpiece.

"Stay hidden and wait for my command," Harpo said.

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