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"We can't let him know," Marcus said, writing down the message on a slip of paper before deleting it.

"What?" Monica exclaimed in surprise. "She's his sister, Marcus."

"This could be fake," he explained. "I don't want to get his hopes up. And he's got enough on his plate, with school, 2832, the city... We shouldn't add another thing or he might not make it through the week."

"So what are you going to do with it?" She asked, nodding at the slip of paper he had copied the message onto.

"Go see it who's it from."

"Marcus!" She scolded. "It could be dangerous. Whoever sent that could be dangerous."

"Well, I'm willing to take the risk."

She scowled. "You're an idiot. I'm going with you."

"No way," he replied, shaking his head. Monica snatched the note from his hands and hid it behind her back. "Mon!" He whined.

"I'm going with you," she repeated, more forcefully.

"Mon, Tyler will kill me if I get you hurt."

"I'll be fine. See you Saturday."


"Who's that girl you're regularly murdering or robbing places with?" Light Glider asked.

"My partner," 2832 responded, vaguely.

"A name, maybe?"

She hummed. "None of your business. Why do you even want to know all this?"

His face twisted in conflict as he debated whether or not to tell her. She tilted her head as she analyzed his expression, and eventually came to a conclusion. "Something about someone you're close to, maybe a relative," 2832 observed. "But why would I be able to help you? That's the question..."

Then, she laughed shortly. "They're in one of the labs, aren't they?"

He straightened. "One of them?"

"Oh god," she laughed. "This is priceless. You're relying on me to tell you where they are!"

He glared at her. "Do you have any answers for me or what?"

She shrugged, leaning back in her couch. "I think they're a younger sibling. And if they are an SN, they're probably dead already. They kill two every week. I wouldn't get your hopes up."

Light Glider usual casual expression dropped, replacing with a look of sadness and shock. He slowly got up and went towards the exit. "Don't cry a river, Capes!"

He stopped in front of the door, clenching his fist in anger. "Do you even have a fucking heart?"

She smiled, stretching across the couch. "Not that I know of. And thank God. I couldn't stand to be a pussy like you."

"God, how can you be like this? What if I told you your only little sister was dead?"

"Better get used to it, Capes," 2832 grinned. "Because even if your little sister was still alive and came back, she'd be just like me."

He unlocked the door and slammed it behind him. She heard a satisfying yell of frustration and sadness, and chuckled.


A man entered her room. He was carrying a tray of food, that looked undeniably exactly like the only food she had been fed the last year. She had never got used to it.

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