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Rylie stared at the ceiling. He couldn't believe Sav had spent months here, while only a week or two was killing him. He wasn't sure how much more he could take. He just wanted to go back to Tyler, Pepper, Monica and Marcus. Those were the good days.

He knew he should fall asleep soon. Staying up at night made the days even worse.

He looked at the door. He knew everything was locked, and he couldn't escape if he tried, especially without his powers.

Speaking of, he was missing his powers more than anything now. Every dream except for nightmares was full of him swimming in the wind, high above Pennsington City. He could make it rain if he tried hard enough, or have a sunny day. He had control. Here, however, he had none of that.

Suddenly, his door puffed out air and unlocked, cracking open slightly. His heart started beating quickly. It couldn't be morning already. He had only been attempting to sleep for an hour.

Rylie hesitantly got up and walked to the door and poked his head out after barely touching it to open it. There was nobody around. Did the door open by accident? Or was it another test?

Rylie decided to risk it. If it was a glitch in the system, this could be his way out. Any chance seemed worth it.

He walked quietly down the hall, constantly checking over his shouldler. He knew if he continued straight, he'd get to a crossroad. Straight would lead him to the cafeteria, and left would take him to another crossroad road that lead to the training areas and the showers. Right, however, was the hall he had never gone down. From what he remembered from the ways he'd gone to before, there was no way out. So right seemed promising.

He crept down the hallway, the unknown and terrifying. For all he knew, there was a door guarded by a bodyguard, who would quickly see him and his escape plan would be foiled.

But there stood a door, looking similar to as his had. It looked locked, but it was a crack open. He wondered if every door unlocked by accident.

He pulled the heavy door open as silently as he could, then closed it behind him. He snuck deeper inside. It looked like a security room, with a few televisions where he guessed the security cameras' perspective should have been, but instead they were black. Behind a glass wall was a bigger room that resembled a laboratory, with tables and sinks, and most importantly, two scientists. He quickly hid behind the wall.

He heard murmured conversation, and out of curiosity and belief that it might be able to help me escape, he lowered himself to the ground and crawled over closer.

"And the SN that's being executed soon? Such a shame," the woman said, tsking.

"What is it? 2832?" The man confirmed, and Rylie's heart skipped a beat. That sounded awfully familiar... Wasn't that the name Sav gave him originally? "One and a half, right? I wish they'd just bring her back into the camps."

"No, apparently they're calling her unbreakable. A bit much, I say. If they'd let us take another shot, maybe with some other methods..."

"No matter. We've got a few promising twos and threes that could take her place."

"Oh, hardly. Don't you know?"

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