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"Isn't this a bit exessive?" Pepper complained as Monica shoved a scarf into her hands. By the look on Tyler's sister's face, she immediately regretted saying anything.

"It was your choice to go back to the headquarters, so we're going to at least take precautions for this already unsafe mission," she snapped. "Now, put that hair in a bun and cover it with a beanie. We don't need that purple and pink hair drawing attention."

"They're mostly faded and low anyway," she muttered, but did as told.

They were all covered head to toe in winter gear, although the snow was already beginning to melt. The wore thick scarves and hats, moly to conceal their identity, and were ordered by Monica to hide anything that could make people look at them. That meant Pepper and Marcus were forced to hide their dyed hair.

"Alright. We're all going to walk down to the lobby and Teddy will go get the car he rented," Monica said, repeating the already said plan. "He's going to be driving, as he's the one the least wanted. Then Tyler will go in the passenger seat, Marcus and I in the back seats and Pepper in the very back. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" Tyler saluted.

"Don't start with me."

He chuckled quietly, and they all filed out of the door. They walked down the stairs to the lobby, where Teddy left. Meanwhile, they all waited, covering their faces slightly with their scarves.

"I don't see why we couldn't just teleport there," Tyler murmured.

"Because then Teddy might not have the energy to teleport all of us back here if there's an emergency," Marcus explained.

The old van then rolled up in front of the apartment building. They all subtly moved to the door and went inside the car to their assigned seats.

"So far so good," Teddy said, driving into the road. "It should take me about half an hour to get there, so you can all relax back there."

"Drive like Tyler's a driving instructor," Monica said. "We can't be pulled over by the police."

The rest of the ride was mostly silent. Tyler attempted to turn on the radio but Monica strictly told him not to. She was mad, and it was clear. None of them wanted to test her.

Finally, Pepper saw the familiar dirt road towards the warehouse. Teddy pulled over onto the side of the road, so they'd have to walk for a couple minutes in order to get there. "Alright. Teddy, can you teleport over and see if it's safe?"

"On it," he replied, and disappeared in a burst of orange.

"Fascinating," Pepper muttered, squeezing out of the back seat to the driver's seat, looking at the dust he left behind. As she investigated it with curiosity, he reappeared, startling them.

"There's nobody. We seem to be safe."

"Good. Let's make this fast," Marcus said.

They all went out of the van, locking the door behind them. They walked down the road, anxious but excited. At any moment, AMO agents could jump out and surround them. Their only way of defending themselves was Teddy in a way, and his powers were barely offensive.

The dirt and stones crushed under Pepper's shoes, mostly muddy because of the slightly melting snow. A cold breeze hit her quickly, and she pulled her scarf up.

The warehouse then came into view, the ceiling covered in a layer of snow. It didn't look much different than how they left it. She had to keep reminding herself that it had only been a couple weeks. The whole ordeal made it seem like a year at least.

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