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Tears stained her face as Morgan pressed her back against the door to slam it shut. She fell to a sitting position leaning against it, shaking with fear, tears and disbelief. She crawled over to the corner of her room, curling into a ball and covering her face with her hands, shaking her head and crying. She heard the footsteps, then the doors burst open. Two large, strong men with unreadable expressions walked over to her, and she cried out, scrambling to the other side of the room.

"Don't let them take me!" She screamed, pressing against the wall for security. "You can't! Mom, please!"

She tried to scramble out of their grip as they forcefully grabbed her. "No! Mom, you have to stop them! You can't let this happen!" She shrieked, her clothes getting wet with the water spilling from her eyes. She felt like a child being dragged the the first day of kindergarten, begging her mom to not make her go. But this, this was much worse.

She looked at her mom's face for a moment, full of sympathy yet no sign of halting them. They squeezed her arms tighter the more she resisted, but she didn't care.

The two men made her go down the stairs, but she didn't stop wiggling. She was taken out of the comfort of her own home that she once thought was safe, into a black car and the door shut behind her. The other two went up to the seats in front of her, and in front of them was the driver and passenger seat, two men sitting there, too. she tried the handle, but it was on child lock. She pounded on the black tinted windows, bawling and yelling.

The driver wore the same black clothing as the others, with black sunglasses covering his eyes. A sick smile stretched across his wrinkled face. "Welcome to your new life, Miss Carter." The car started to roll along.

And that was the last time she saw her house, or her family.


"We are officially on summer break!" Andrea cheered, pumping a fist in the air as they exited the high school.

"Hear, hear!" Morgan laughed. "Anyone have any plans?"

"Morgan, it's the first minute of vacation," Carson deadpanned.

"It's called planning ahead, you idiot. I, unlike this unprepared buffoon, do know what I'm doing. Au revoir, mes amies! Je vais à Paris!" Andrea exclaimed.

"I have no idea what you said but I heard Paris somewhere in there!" She smiled as they went onto the sidewalk.

"I've gotten a tutor since I found out a month ago. I'm pretty good, huh?" She rubbed their shoulders together with a quirked eyebrow and smile.

"Best I've ever seen," Carson approved, clearly not serious. "Although your accent's not French."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. Bouncy strawberry blonde hair curls were swayed back by the wind, her tall height even taller with the heels she wore. With denim jeans, a white-pink gradient shirt, and a cropped denim jacket, she was fairly pretty. Carson had wild brown hair in a quiff, hazel eyes and his hands in the pockets of a sporty jacket. He was around Morgan's size, a little taller. Morgan had long, wavy brown hair that lightened naturally until the ends, with dark blue eyes that weren't that noticeable. She wore a white t-shirt that was cropped at little, jeans and a hoodie tied around her waist.

"I think that, because of this special day, we should go get ice cream," Andrea announced.

"Like we totally don't do everyday," she replied. "Not that I don't want to, though."

"I think that since it's so special, Andy should pay," Carson decided.

"I think that's a great idea."

"Hey!" She protested. "I never said I'd pay!"

The two of them laughed, summer sun beating down on them in they walked. "We're just kidding," she said. "It's not like you'd actually do it anyway."

Soon, they got to the ice cream shop, a soft bell ringing as they entered. The owner recognized them, and they got their usuals.

"This is so good but I know I'm going to regret it later," Morgan groaned.

"That's the best kind," Carson replied with a grin, taking a lick and accidentally getting some on his nose. Andy and Morgan laughed, and they all walked towards the town square, although it was more of a circle. It had a fountain in the middle, benches sitting around it. As always, they sat on the rim of the fountain. Strangely enough, she got a sudden headache, but when her friends asked if she was ok, she told them she was fine and changed the topic.

"I'm going to this college out in the city," she said, more focused on her ice cream than them. "You guys?"

"There's one that accepted me in another state. I'll probably go there if the others decline," Carson explained.

"I'm staying around here. Parkland," Andy said. "I want to be near my family."

"Then I guess we're separating," she sighed. "I'll miss you two."

"Wait a second, we still have the summer. No need to get all sentimental," Carson waved it off dismissively.

"Either way, we should take a picture! Last day of high school!" Andy pulled out her phone and took a few pictures of them all. Morgan tried to smile, but the headache intensified, causing her to use her free hand to place against her forehead in pain. "Are you sure you're alright, Morgan?" Andy asked tentatively, lowering her camera.

"I don't know," Morgan responded, squeezing her eyes shut. "Maybe it's the sun-"

Then it got worse by ten times, her ice cream crashing the ground a mess of the cone and melting snack. She fell to her knees, struggling not to cry out. "Jesus, Morgan! Call nine-one-one, you idiot!" Andy chastised Carson, as he fumbled with his phone.

Her eyes flashed open, and they felt different. The headache stopped abruptly, and she seemed to float to her feet. She didn't even realize she was standing, or floating a few feet off the ground. Somehow, on instinct almost, she extended her arms to the sides, bringing them to shoulder height, completely straight. She knew she was doing it, but she didn't quite understand, or understand how to control it.

She spun in a circle, every picnic table flipping over, including the people sitting on them and the items on it. Benches ripped out of the cement, some people flying off with them. Branches on trees came off and flew away as well. Carson and Andrea were screaming, as well as everyone else around, injured or not. It was like she was possessed.

Then she dropped to the ground like a rag doll.

She vaguely remembered walking home, still in an odd state of consciousness. She went up the stairs to her room, and after a few minutes, she snapped out of it. She cried, confused, sad and angry. She had hurt innocent people in a way she didn't know how. She was a freak. Her mom came up and asked if she was alright, and she managed to talk through the tears and tell her she was.

Then she heard a knock at the door. She didn't go down, but stayed upstairs. She heard bits and pieces as she crawled to the door to listen: "Morgan Carter... special... good as dead... scientific tests..."

She backed away from the door, shaking her head in disbelief, then heard their footsteps coming up the stairs.


Morgan wiped her face to get rid of the tears, sniffling. "You can't do this. I won't let you steal away my life!" She screamed, feeling her eyes glow again.

"Subdue her, won't you? Before she gets too out of hand," the driver instructed calmly. Her heart beat hard, and even more as she saw a needle with a vibrant purple liquid. She pressed herself against the door to escape it, but the man had already grabbed her arm. She squeezed her eyes shut at the pain of it piercing her skin, then felt drowsy the more it entered her system. Eventually, she unwilling fell asleep, no energy left to fight.

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