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It was just a small town grocery store, one of the only ones in that area. It was the one everyone went to, the one where you'd stay longer than you meant to because you'd be caught up talking with everyone. It was farther out of Pennsington City, and had cars speeding about, coming into and out of the city.

So, it was practically the perfect place to rob.

No one really noticed the man who was clad in all black and his hands tucked in the front pocket of his hoodie, visible puffs of air coming out of his mouth from the cold as he entered the store. His messy red hair was stuck up in odd angles, like he had just woken up or it hadn't been brushed in a while. He had sunglasses on, and was likely in his early twenties.

He looked around casually, secretly searching for security cameras, and when he didn't find one, he exposed a loaded pistol and a shouted as loud and threateningly as he could, "Everyone down!"

There were gasps and shouts and cries, but they got onto their knees willingly, obviously terrified. He saw a man come out of the 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' bathroom, with a tag that read 'Manager'. He strut up to the manager, whose eyes widened when they landed on the metal glinting in his hands. The robber curled in hand around the fabric of his shirt and pulled him up to his level. "You're going to show me where you keep all your money," he growled. "And if anybody calls the police, I'll start shooting people!"

Suddenly, a cold, strong wind knocked the gun out of his hands. He dropped the manager in confusion, who ran away desperately. The weapon had been flung to the other side of the store, and he turned around to go grab it but heard something, and spun around.

There stood a man, head to toe in a sleek blue and white suit, the hood tightly against his head like a second skin, over his eyes as well with eye slits. His gloves were blue, his boots the same colour, and a flowing cape behind him. Icy blue sparks flew in his eyes, his hands glowing briefly before calming down.

"No freaking way," the robber muttered. "Light Glider."

A small smile appeared on his face. He threw his hand forward and the wind listened to his command. The robber was thrown backwards, hitting the wall, successfully knocking him unconscious without much effort.

Light Glider heard the distinct sounds of police sirens, looked around at the hostages who seemed to be in perfect health, then felt for the freezing air swimming outside, and fell into the current, whisked away into the sky.

A few minutes later, Light Glider landed on a small, wide building. It was an abandoned warehouse that he and his friends had cleaned up over the last couple years, transforming it from a dusty old building to a real headquarters.

He dropped down through the skylight they had made, landing in the middle of the HQ. They had painted the walls and ceiling white, changing the floor to a sleek white tile. They had a large cylinder where his suit was usually kept, with computers and desks in a circle in the middle on a circular platform. On one side, they had a wall separating the rest of a small room, which was their medical centre when he got hurt, and a hallway leading to their hangout area.

He removed the hood on his head, revealing a head of brownish red, wild hair. He ran a hand through it as an attempt to tame it, to not much avail. One person who sat a desk spun around to face him, a broad smile on their face. "That was so badass, Rylie."

Tyler had dirty blonde hair, and a goofy personality. Unlike most of the people who knew his true identity, Tyler didn't have much of a purpose being on the team, aside from being Rylie's best friend and an emotional support guy.

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