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2832 was suddenly awoken. After finishing her meal, she decided rest was the best. The half empty water bottle sat beside her. The sound of the basement door opening woke her.

Siphon entered, pushing two people inside who were also cuffed. One was a small brown haired girl, who looked fairly young. The other was older, likely a couple years into adolescence, with a mop of black hair. Both were skinny, and had clearly been in rough conditions. Wordlessly, Siphon left and locked the door behind him.

The boy quickly crawled into a corner, as though he was trying to hide himself. The girl, however, pushed herself up, with some trouble with her cuffed hands, and looked at 2832 with curiosity and wariness. Her face was mostly hidden by a curtain of brown hair, but something about her dirty face was familiar.

"Hello?" The girl asked tentatively. Her voice was croaky and dry, and sounded like she hadn't even been through puberty yet. "I'm Alexis."

"Sav," she replied after a pause, of where she wondered whether to tell her her real name or nickname. Her real name would only stir up confusion and questions she didn't know the answers to.

"Is that short for Savannah?"

"No, just Sav," 2832 responded. Alexis coughed, and in the spur of the moment, she held up her bottle. "Do you want some water?"

Alexis stared at the water bottle contently and nodded quickly. She carefully rolled it over and the little girl took a large gulp. "You're nice. I haven't met a lot of nice people recently. Only Teddy."

"Who's Teddy?" 2832 asked gently, commenting in her mind on the odd name.

"A nice man who helped me when he could at the place where the bad man got me," she explained. "He tried to help when the bad man asked the other bad man for me but it didn't do much."

"Bad man? You mean the man who brought you in here?"

Alexis nodded.

"He said I'm a zero, but I don't know what means."

2832 tried not to make a big reaction to it, but she was still stunned at the news. A zero? That was extremely impressive. Especially since she was so little. Who knew she could contain so much power?

"Can you describe the place you came from?"

Alexis made a face. "I don't like it there. It's dark and cold and the people are all meanies." She seemed to think for a moment. "I ran away. I got onto a school bus like the ones my big brother used to take and then these mean people stopped the bus. One had this really red hair and the other one blonde. I ran away before they could get me."

The little girl began to tear up. "I... I didn't mean to... I hurt so many people... I didn't know what was happening and it all happened so fast so I just... Ran."

2832 felt like she was having déjà vu. She was thrown back into a memory she had forgotten about, something that seemed so long ago yet like yesterday.

"... Well, maybe if you didn't need to do everything your way, and actually listen to your leader, we would have gotten the kid!" Some guy with blonde hair had yelled.

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