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"We need a plan of action," Marcus said. "The AMO aren't going to let us keep Morgan without a fight."

"We're not in any state to fight right now," Pepper said, crossing her arms. "We have to lay low and recover. Rylie needs to recover."

"And get out of this apartment, first off," Tyler proclaimed. "It's way too small for seven people, and frankly, I don't think we're safe in this city anymore."

"And our families?" Pepper replied, raising an eyebrow. "What are we supposed to tell them?"

"Tell them we're going for a road trip or something," Joey suggested, shrugging. "Try to be as little specific as you can. We don't trust anyone but each other from now on."

"Are we sure they won't take our family to blackmail us?" Monica asked, quietly.

"It's a risk we'll have to take," Morgan said.

"Just because you two don't have any family doesn't mean our's don't matter," Tyler muttered, and Pepper elbowed him in the rib roughly.

Joey took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "Look. This is a dangerous situation, but they know Morgan won't give herself up for your parents. They still think she's a selfish monster."

"They also have Siphon on their side," Pepper mentioned. "He would instantly make Morgan and Joey's powers useless."

"He needs to be taken care of as soon as possible," Monica agreed. "But our priorities currently are to get out of this city and get some antibiotics for Rylie. I did what I could but they're necessary."

"Does that mean we're breaking into a hospital?" Tyler asked, excitedly.

"Ideally, we'd check him in," Monica corrected. "But we can't do that."

"Why not?" Morgan asked. "The hospital you worked at—didn't you have friends? As in, doctor friends. They could keep it off the record or something."

"No, the AMO would be expecting that," Pepper said. "They probably would have people in every hospital in Pennsington."

"Either way, it takes time, and we don't have time," Marcus added.

Joey perked up. "I have an idea." They all turned to him. "Healers. There are kinds of supernaturals who heal people."

"That's perfect!" Monica exclaimed.

"Great, let me just call up my healer friend on speed dial," Pepper said, sarcastically. "Every supernatural is in a camp or the AMO. Otherwise, they're undiscovered or hiding. Either way, they're unreachable."

"Not so fast," Morgan said. "Any SN in the AMO is brainwashed, which I agree with. We don't know where any undiscovered healers are, either, but we do know where the supernaturals in the camps are."

"Are you suggesting we break into one of the camps?" Marcus asked, skeptically.

"I am," she replied. "Not just any camp. Alexis was taken to a camp, right?"

"Yes! The Syrian one!" Pepper exclaimed.

"Then I say we liberate the entire camp. There must be a couple hundred kids in there, right?" Morgan continued. "I know a lot of them are scared, but there could be some who would want to fight back. Even if it's only ten out of two hundred, it's more than seven."

"That's not a bad idea," Pepper said. "Killing five birds with one stone. We get Alexis, get a healer for Rylie, free a bunch supernaturals, abolish a camp and get some backup."

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