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Group K16 had gathered in front of Sergeant Travers' office, after being called there for their next mission. Harpo was still using his crutches, and Sean's arm was being held by a cast. Madilyn's graze had been healing quickly, and she was ready for another battle.

"I don't see why we're being called in so soon," Madilyn muttered. "Half of us are too injured to fight."

"I can," Sean replied stubbornly. "It's just a sprain."

"That could get worse if you go out and strain it," she replied. "Just like you, Harpo."

He looked to the side, unwilling to agree or disagree.

Finally, the door opened and Travers' head popped out. He told them to come in, and they all followed inside, standing straight and ready to absorb the information.

"I know it's early, especially since Sean and Harpo still have a week of healing to deal with," Travers began. "But I'm assigning you another mission, one much smaller than your gang bust.

"We want you to go to Reno, Nevada, and locate this man." He gave them a photo, which they based amongst themselves. He looked to be in his forties, with brown hair and a small bald spot on the back of his head. He had eyes the colour of his hair, and a small, wrinkled smile. "His name is Charles Wadden. I expect Madilyn and 2832 will be the ones in the action. The two can be their get away van."

"That's no fun," Sean mumbled.

"Assassination or capture?" 2832 asked.

"Assassination," he confirmed. "All that you need is in this folder. You'll be leaving around eight-thirty am. Get there at roughly ten. Wadden stays in his office alone for an hour after midnight, then leaves at one. After twelve is when you should strike." He then locked eyes with Harpo, and said, "Can I speak to you in private, Harpo?"

He blinked, then nodded. Sean and Madilyn exited and she followed. "What was that about?"

Sean shrugged. "Sometimes Travers needs to talk to him about things. He's the leader. He needs to know details that we don't always have to."


"I hate winter," Rylie scowled, his suit not yet adjusted to the cold temperatures even though it was January. He was traveling through the air, headed to some laboratory that reported a break in.

"Just a few months ago, you were complaining you were boiling in the suit, so I changed it," Marcus responded in his earpiece. "You have to give me time to make it thicker."

"It's been more three months!"

"And you've been wearing it all the time! How do you expect me to edit it if I never have it in my hands for the time needed?"

"Just make another!" Rylie exclaimed, exasperated.

"Do you know how expensive it is to make a superhero suit? The material needs to be strong, almost like armour but stretchy and tight enough for you to be comfortable. The tech inside of it is crazy technical, and don't even get me started on the wedgie factor from the first version—"

"Now is not a time to argue about it," Pepper cut in.

Rylie muttered something incoherent under his breath, but it had some colourful vocabulary.

"Is Pepper actually being the reasonable one for once?" Tyler asked, with a dramatic gasp. "That's a first." Rylie heard a slap, and a groan of pain from Tyler.

"Where am I going?" Rylie asked, changing the subject.

"Right. Turn left now, and then the further you get you should see a modern looking building," Pepper directed.

And soon, he did. It was both wide and tall, not nearly the height of their skyscrapers but had multiple windows. From what he could see, there was no sign of forced entry.

"Are they sure it's not a false alarm?" He asked skeptically as he circled the building, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

"The motion detectors were set off," Marcus replied. "Might as well check it out, even if there isn't anything."

Light Glider sighed and dropped down, walking towards the main entrance. It seemed something had caused a blackout in the building solely, and the locks on the doors had been disabled. So, he entered.

"Can't help you this time, Ry," Pepper said. "Security cameras are down, too."

Rylie tried the light switch, flicking it up and down to no result. He looked through his pockets and found a flashlight, using it to light his way. "Do we know where the blackout started? So I can see what caused it?"

"Hard... Say..." Pepper replied, her voice becoming difficult to understand as the reception got worse.

"What? I'm losing you."

"Try... East... Top floor."

"East, top floor?" He confirmed.


He took that as yes and walked around in search for a staircase. It was kind of creepy to be alone in a silent, dark lab but he had seen worse. Besides, he could defend himself against any threat that came his way. Even if he was losing connection to his friends.

Finally, Rylie found a staircase among the many elevators in the high tech building. He trudged up it, each step slow and cautious as he constantly looked around, worried someone would catch him by surprise.

He made it up to the second floor alive, his footsteps against the clean flooring the only sound in the building. He wished he was superman with multiple powers like super hearing so he could hear whoever was hiding.

As he drew closer to the east section, he walked slower and tried to be more silent. He mustered up some courage, and said, "Hello?" His voice sounded through the laboratory, to no reply but his own, echoed word.

But suddenly, he saw a shadow dart out from behind a desk. It was small, crouched down and fast. He quickly broke into a sprint after it. The figure was quick, constantly darting around to prevent him from using his powers. He couldn't hit them when he couldn't aim properly. He did however realize he was most likely dealing with a young girl.

"Stop!" He commanded breathlessly, but she was relentless, seeming to have no trouble running at full speed for an extended amount of time. He, however, was already ready to steady into a jog, possibly even a walk. And he was ways behind her.

Rylie knew exactly what Tyler would say; "I told you those slow, little, pussy legs of yours would catch up with you eventually!"

The girl turned the corner, leaving him in the dust. A few moments later, he heaved himself around it to see the girl gone without a trace. He bent down, placing his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. "Shit!"

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