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"Where would be the perfect place?" 2832 mused. "Something in the open, where it's easy for Madilyn to slip out when he gets me."

"Like a marketsquare," Sean suggested. "Or a shopping mall, a park, a parade..."

"Well, of course, why wouldn't there be a parade in January?" Madilyn said sarcastically.

"I was just naming public events!"

"A shopping mall could be a good choice," 2832 said. "Lots of people, limited exits. Madilyn can escape when there's a stampede to get out."

"See? I had good ideas," Sean sulked.

"A parade, Sean," she repeated.

"So it wasn't my finest!"

2832 went on her tiptoes, reaching for the glass on the highest shelf and winced, putting a hand to her back in discomfort. She had probably shattered her ribcage in the fight at the bank, and they hadn't completely healed yet. Apparently, her small noise of pain was loud enough to alert both of them.

Sean immediately came to her side, placing a comforting and gentle hand on her back, while easily grabbing the cup for her. "Maybe you should lay down."

"I'm fine," she insisted. "Really, I am. It'll heal, you just have to wait."

"Funny, because I remember being told that the healing process of rib and spine injuries were by far the most painful. You're not even supposed to be moving before it's completely back to its original state."

"That's a lie," she accused, even though she knew it was very true,

"You know it's not."

"I'm perfectly fine, Sean," she persisted, withholding a smile. "Now, let's work on the plan. Shopping mall, right? What's the biggest and most popular?"

"Nope," Sean said, scooping her up in his arms bridal style.

"What the hell, Sean?!" She yelled, squirming to get loose but his grip was too strong to break, especially when her back was killing her.

He laughed. "You can't get out, Sav."

She brought out one of the knives strapped to her belt, and brought it to his neck, but was promptly dropped on the couch. Harpo had left as soon as Sean entered, and she saw him talking in low murmurs to the phone as he asscended the stairs.

2832 sighed, dropping her head, surrendering. "If I'm bedridden, then let's at least discuss the plan in here."

"Nope," he repeated. "You're also forced to sleep away the pain. I read that SNs heal faster while asleep."

"Now that was a lie."

He chuckled. "Just sleep, Sav." He then closed her eyes with his fingers, and she slapped his hands away.

Just a week ago, Sean had treated her like a pet. The only reason he wanted her there was because she was a level one and a half telekinetic, supposedly rare and powerful. She was a toy, and the only reason he'd be sad if she died was because he had lost a cool asset, like a kid having a spectacular guy from his video game team die. But now, she felt as though he cared more. As if he actually thought of her as part of the team.

But 2832 decided to listen, and fell asleep minutes later.


"Man, Ry, you look like a mess," Tyler commented as Rylie emerged from the hospital room on crutches.

"Thanks," he replied drily, plopping in a chair. "I'll be completely fine in the afternoon."

"What if they strike again today? You're not exactly in the condition to go out saving lives like that," Pepper said.

"I don't think they'll go twice in two days. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who got busted up in that fight." Rylie grinned.

"You really slammed her against that wall, huh? She must have broken a rib or something," Marcus muttered. "She hasn't used her powers since Wadden though, has she?" Rylie merely shrugged. "Weird."

"Well, I mean, she didn't really have to," Tyler said, Rylie giving him a dirty look. "It's true!"


2832 felt someone shaking her awake. She slowly opened her eyes, reaching for her knife, only to let out a sigh of relief to see Sean, grinning down at her. "Hey."

"Hey," she mumbled, sitting up straight. "How long was I asleep for?"

"Just a few hours," he responded. "We actually need you as apart of the conversation now, so I figured I'd wake you. How are you feeling?"

"Better," she responded. "I think they're all healed."

He led her to the kitchen and tossed her a granola bar, as she sat down at the table with the others. "So," Harpo began. "While you were asleep, we decided on the Tenno Mall. It's pretty popular, and since tomorrow's a Saturday, it'll be packed.

"You and Madilyn will go into the centre of it. We can get the gates they pull down when the mall closes to turn on, and trap everyone inside. You'll ask for all their money. Unfortunately, it needs to be quick. Their hacker is good, and we can't beat them.

"We all decided to have Madilyn out of the picture as quickly as possible," Harpo explained, stealing a glance at her, who was sulking. "He'll hit her with his powers while you're fighting, and she'll pretend to be unconscious until we give her the cue to run out. After a few minutes of fighting, you have to let him take you."

"Fine," 2832 agreed, with some reluctance.

"They'll search you as soon as they get you, which means you have to have something for a form of contact," Sean continued. "Which is why we got this earpiece, which will blend in with your skin. They won't see it, we can still talk. It's a risk, but we're hoping it'll work. If they find it, make sure you crush it. We can't have the, knowing about us."

"Alright," she said, getting up after finishing her snack.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To enjoy my literal last day of freedom!"

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