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"The security here sucks," 2832 muttered as they entered the shopping complex.

"They didn't even check us for weapons," Madilyn scoffed. "They're practically begging for a robbery, or a shootout here."

2832 had hidden multiple weapons in her clothing. Guns and knives mostly, since they were the easiest to cover up, but she had surprises, too. If she was going down, she was going down with a bang. She made a quick glance at the security camera, smiling. If Capes' techie was so good, then they had facial recognition on her. It was a tease, practically screaming, 'Catch me if you can'.

"This place is huge," Madilyn scowled. "How are we even supposed to find the damn middle?"

2832 stopped to look at a map. She looked at the route leading to the centre, and made a mental note of it. "This way."

"I can't wait to take him to the AMO," Madilyn grinned madly. "He's such a prick. Thinks he's all great because he has a cape and tights. He'll learn his lesson in the camps."

"He damn as well will."

The two made their way to the centre. She saw kids and mothers and teenagers alike, all shopping and looking joyful. Madilyn and 2832 stood out like a sore thumb in their black clothing. Madilyn reached up to her earpiece and said, "We're ready."

The gates folded over the exits to the other hallways at the same time. There were sounds of alert from people, mostly confused mumbles. They were all answered however, when 2832 exposed one of her guns and fired three times into the ceiling.

That's when the panic started.

People started pulling on the gate, screaming and crying, mothers clutching their children. "Shut up!" Madilyn commanded. "You're going to give us every dollar you have on you. And quickly!"

The people were resistant at first, but when she shot a kid in the leg, they were more swayed to comply. They had a neat, little line in no time, and were filling their bags with money to the brim.

"Sav!" Madilyn called, before jumping in front of her. Light Glider had arrived without her even noticing, and shot out a blast of air at her. Madilyn took it, flying into a wall. She slumped, falling 'unconscious' from the blow.

It looked ridiculously real. But 2832 knew it wasn't. Madilyn, for one, would never get herself hurt so 2832 wouldn't have to. She would gladly let her die. And, Madilyn was tougher to let some small little breeze knock her down.

2832 whipped around, seeing the gates moving to allow people out. "Nice to see you again, Capes," she sneered.

"Sav," he addressed.

"How's the old leg?"

His jaw clenched. "Amazing."

She sighed, throwing the bag to the side. "I'm leaving with that this time, and you can't stop me."

"I'm not going to let you."

"Good luck with that."

Light Glider ran forward with a flying kick, which she narrowly ducked to evade. She punched at his knee and it weakened, so she swung her leg around to make him trip. He grabbed her arm as he fell, making her come down with him.

2832 fell on his chest, and she glared at him, his arms trapping her against him. He smirked, reminding her of Sean. "Uncomfortable?"

"Not for long," she replied, bringing her knee up to his groin, and flipped them twice in his moment of weakness. Her arms now free, she punched him in the face and stole a glance to where she had last seen Madilyn. She had disappeared. Good.

That meant she had to end it soon. 2832 loosened her grip on him, and he flung her up, her back hitting the ceiling. She fell back down, grunting as she pretended to struggle to get back up. She felt his hands grab her wrists and cuff them, a weakness suddenly spreading through her body.

Trimethylxanthine, the stuff in the food that she ate at the lab.

He was so stupid. The stuff rendered her without powers for a minute, before she fought it off and could be just as powerful as she was without them. She almost laughed out loud, but suppressed it. She was then swooped up in a wind, headed wherever Light Glider was taking her.

He hadn't discovered their real weakness. She didn't have a clue to what it was, but the lab had used it to make cuffs similar to the ones he used on her, except much stronger. That, she couldn't beat.

The trip wasn't long at all. Apparently, flying was a fairly fast way of travel. She watched where they passed, all the blurry buildings and streets, and they eventually slowed near a warehouse on the edge of town. A sky light opened on the roof, and they dropped into it.

They were at the centre of a lab or headquarters of sorts. Two people sat at desks, two others standing. One, who was sitting at a desk, had long pinkish purple and brown hair. She was short and looked younger than the rest. 2832 could only guess that she was the one who initiated the lockdown.

The other at the desk looked older than Capes, with dark blue hair and glasses. He was relatively tall, possibly the tallest. He had a scruff of a beard.

The two standing look similar, possibly siblings. They both had blonde hair, one a girl who looked around the age of Glasses, and the other looked like Capes' age.

None of them looked very threatening. Most of their faces were comprised of excitement, fear and wonder.

They quickly checked her for weapons, ending in a pile of knives and guns. She was forced into a room, looking mostly like a hospital room, one of the cuffs of so they could cuff her to the bed. Apparently, the handcuffs would still 'drain her of her powers', even if only one was on.

"What's your name?" The blonde, slightly older girl asked.

2832 just stared at her with hatred. God, she wanted to bash her fist into her face.

Light Glider was still yet to remove his mask. None of them even said his name, but referred to him as Light Glider as to not let his identity slip.

After an awkward pause, the girl said with a smile, "I'm Monica. I heard you're a mind controller."

2832 almost laughed out loud. Mind controller? Where the hell did they come up with that?

"Light Glider needs your help. You've been to the camps right?"

"Don't even try, Mon." The boy, likely her brother, came strolling in. "They probably trained her not to break."

Wrong, she thought, they broke me.

She looked back to me. "I'm just going to give you a sedative to make you sleep, alright?"

Don't bring that fucking needle near me.

Monica brought the syringe closer to her arm, and in one swift movement, 2832 grabbed it from her and stabbed it into her leg. Monica fell to the ground unconcious, and the boy ran to her side, shouting for Light Glider as 2832 pretended to try and pick the lock on the cuffs. She felt something hit her on the head and she got knocked out.

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