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Rylie stared at the computer screen when the message suddenly popped up. He read it over, over and over. 'Same place, right now, Rylie and Rylie alone. - Anonymous'

"Shit," Marcus cursed under his breath.

"What is this?" He demanded.

Monica sighed. "A while ago, we got a message from the same guy, telling us to meet him. So Marcus and I went... Alone, and didn't tell anyone."

"Why the hell would you do that? It could have been dangerous! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because the message was talking about Alexis," Marcus explained softly. "And we didn't want to get your hopes up if it was fake. But I think it's real."

He ran a hand through his hair, struggling to contain his anger. "I'm going, alone, just like it said. What's the address?"

Marcus hesitantly went over to his desk and got the note, handing it to him. Rylie tried to snatch it, but he held on and looked at him in the eyes. "Be careful. You don't have your powers anymore, so this will be just as dangerous for you as it'd for any eighteen year old kid."

He pulled harder and got the paper, glared at him, then turned on his heel and left.

"You're an idiot," Pepper scowled, storming over to the computer. "You didn't even try to locate where the message came from? Who sent it? Why on earth they'd want to help us? And, more importantly, how they knew about Light Glider's identity?"

"They knew a lot," Monica confessed. "When we talked to them, they knew who we were and that we had 2832."

"We don't know how they- wait," Marcus stopped. "You don't think-"

"That they've been watching on us through the cameras on the laptops?" Pepper finished. "Yes, I do. And, would you look at that, someone had access to your computer's camera. This is why I'm the main techie!"

She mumbled foul words under her breath as she blocked whoever had gotten access. "One of these days, Marc, one of these days..."

"Hey," 2832 walked into the room, yawning after having clearly taken a nap. "Where'd Rylie go?"

Pepper gave her a short summary of the last few minutes, making sure to add how idiotic Monica and Marcus clearly had been every other sentence.

"He shouldn't be out there alone," 2832 stated. "No powers, no way to defend himself. And that Siphon guy might want to come back to finish the job."

"Frankly, I don't want to mess with him right now," Tyler said, scratching the back of his head. "He was mad. Like, Harry Potter in the beginning of Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix when he gets to the House Of Black mad."

"Ok, nerd," Pepper rolled her eyes. "None of us understand your stupid book references."

"I remember, vaguely," 2832 said.

"Yes!" Tyler exclaimed. "See? My references make sense!" He turned to her excitedly. "And don't you find that our thing with Siphon is like The Flash season five?"

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