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Morgan gasped as she woke up. It seemed everyday she woke up in terror. But she knew she wasn't in her room anymore, and started to panic. Calm down, Morgan. Think about what you know. She took a deep breath, then brought her head up. Her wrists were restrained, as well as her ankles. She was laying on some sort of surgical table, a bright light on her face. She was alone.

A woman then entered. She had platinum blonde hair tied back, pale skin and shockingly blue eyes. Unlike Leonard, she didn't smile or introduce herself, but treated Morgan like she was some stupid animal. Others came in as the woman slipped on blue rubber gloves, pulling a mask over her mouth. "T2832, test number one: cyanide."

Her eyes flew open in surprise and fear. Cyanide?! Wasn't that poison?! She watched in terror as they filled a needle with the clear liquid, and she resisted tremendously. She wouldn't die here. She refused.

"Keep it down, will you? Before it gets too dangerous," the woman scolded as the other nurses held down her arms and legs. Tears streamed down her face as there was nothing she could do. She felt the sharp end prick her skin and enter, a sense of coldness coming over her arm as the poison swam into her veins.

The nurses let go and watched with notepads. She could feel it crawling up to her shoulder like a worm going through her body. It circled around her neck like it was trying to choke her, and for a moment it did. Then, she felt it all slithering up her throat in an extremely uncomfortable way. She sat up as much as she could, leaned over the edge, and barfed up the poison on the ground.

Morgan stared at it. Poison was not supposed to act like that. It was not supposed to try and get out but kill her, and she was not supposed to feel it like a snake exploring her veins.

"Subject reacts similar to all supernaturals," the woman voiced, and they all scribbled it down with added things.

She felt terrible. She didn't die but she couldn't still feel it's effects lingering. Morgan just wanted to sleep. She dropped her head, her eyelids half closed but she was interrupted. "Wake up, telekinetic. We're just getting started."

The woman turned to a man, and said, "Take her blood for the ASTs, won't you? Leo'll want it as soon as possible."

The next hour or so consisted of a number of liquids being inserted in her body, some she didn't care to remember. Some she didn't feel. Some she definitely felt, and screamed until her voice was hoarse. The observers didn't seem to mind; it was like Morgan was their guinea pig. She wasn't human to them. They didn't care how much they harmed her.

Eventually, they let her out of the straps and out of the horrible room she'd never forget. She found herself at a gym, of sorts. A muscular man brought up a weight. "Pick it up," the woman ordered. "With your powers."

She was mentally and physically exhausted. How was she supposed to do it? But after the electric bed incident, She didn't want to know what else they had up their sleeves for people who didn't do what they wanted.

She furrowed her eyebrows in concentration, and the weight was lifted a few feet off the ground. She gently gently placed it back down. They kept adding more and more weight, yet it was nothing. If they got her to move a building, that'd be another story.

The woman mumbled words under her breath to her coworkers after each one, and soon, there were none left. "Take her back to her room," the woman instructed, and two men took her arms. She so was fatigued they practically had to drag her.

The thick, high tech door of her room opened as she tripped over her own feet, struggling to match their speed. She dropped to the ground as the door slammed behind her. Sweat covered her face, every part of her body aching and the biggest headache she'd ever had rushed in. She struggled to stand and collapsed on her bed.

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