Hit gone Wrong

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Please excuse all my errors that I have in this chapter. If there I will be editing it so it won't be there long.

Vote and comment I hope you enjoy.


I pulled up to my house and didn't see Ariyah car so I parked the car in the driveway and got out.

I unlocked the door and went in. The house was quiet.

I guess she didn't get here yet.

I took out my phone and called Ariyah.

"Hello" she said answering sounding like she just woke up.

"Aye it's Damien you were sleep" I asked her.

"Yea" she said the I heard some shuffling.

"She staying over or you want me to pick her up" I asked her.

"You have to come pick her up I have a job to do toni-" she was cut off with her own yawn.

"You sure you up for this job it sounds like you falling back to asleep" I said turning around so I can leave back out the door.

"I'm good" she said.

"Did she eat already" I asked her.

"Yea and washed she's laying down right next to me right now gone" she said with a little laugh.

"Wait why she can't stay with you" I asked her.

"She can it's just that I have to leave in the middle of the night and I won't have anyone to watch her" she said.

"Alright I'm on my way" I said walking out the door.

"Alright you got a key and know the gate code" she said to me.

"Yep I'll see you in a minute" I said to her.

She said okay then we exchanged byes.


I got to Ariyah house and seen multiple cars in her driveway.

I looked and noticed only 2 was actually Ariyah's unless she got more I don't know about.

I took out the keys to her house and opened the door.

While walking in I closed the door behind me.

I walk towards the stairs when I heard a voice.

"Who the hell are you" I heard a male voice.

In shock I turned my head to see multiple eyes on me.

"Damien" I said plainly.

"How the hell you get in here and why are you here" a female said.

"With my key" I said holding it up.

"And I'm here to get my kid" I said with a shrug.

"Oh shit your Ariyah mystery baby daddy" another girl said.

"Yea and you are" I said tilting my head a little.

"I'm Sophie" the girl said.

She started to name and point to everyone in the room and who they are to Ariyah.

I knew the names just didn't know the faces.

"Well nice to meet you do you know if Ariyah is up y-" I was cut off.

"I'm up" she said coming down with a sleeping Amora in one arm and her in her other was a bike chain and a gun.

She was dressed in all black, her bandanna was hanging around her neck and her hair was in a ponytail.

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