A Long Way

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I woke up to see I was in my bed. I don't even remember getting out the car.

I got up and stripped out my clothes and put some pajamas on.
I looked at the time to see it was 4:23. I didn't have nothing to do so I got my camera out and sat by my window.

I got myself this camera a month ago. I don't know why.

I turned it on and looked out the window.

The house was on a hill so you was able to see the city lights. The stars was still out but the sun was rising. I focused the camera and took the perfect photo.

I liked doing this it was calming and I loved it.

"Nah but I'll be there" I heard a guy voice outside my door.

I got up slowly hid my camera and got in my bed quickly. I faked sleep and I heard my door open.

I heard the footsteps come in my room. My heart started to race. I felt for my gun under my pillow but couldn't find it but then remembered it feel under the bed last night when I got out the shower.


I felt a hand over my mouth. I opened my eyes fast. It was Joshua. So many questions ran through my head. Why was he here? How did he know where I live? How didn't no one hear him come in? And how did he get in?

"Get up slowly and I won't hurt you" he said holding a gun up to me.

I stayed still.

"Didn't I say get up" he hissed.

I got up slowly.

"Let's go" he said.

"No" I said.

"I will make you kill your brother and everyone you care about" he said to me.

I stayed quiet.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out my room. He pulled me down the stairs fast to where he kinda dragged me down. He opened the front door and pulled me with him. I was only in shorts and a shirt. No jacket, no shoes not even socks.

He pulled me to the car and put me in the trunk. I kicked him before he can close it. He cocked his gun and shot at me. The bullet skimmed my arm making a gash.

"Stop fucking with me" he said then closed the trunk.

I held my arms in pain the blood covered my hand.

"Fuck" I groaned.

I couldn't see a thing. I looked for the pull cord that opens the trunk from the inside. It was nowhere to be found.

The car started to move and I panicked even more which I didn't even know was possible. I started to scream and kick the trunk but nothing all he did was blast the music.

I looked around the trunk to see if there was anything I could use to open the trunk. I found a tools.

How you going to kidnap someone only to leave tools around them. A true dummy but thank god your dumb. I slide the tool box next to me and opened it. There was a screwdriver and a hammer.

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