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"She is though" Chris said with a laugh.

"Man you stupid" Lamar shaking his head.

"Awwwe damn looks like the girls having a little drama going on" Nathan said.

We all looked over there to see Paris trying to pull Zaria away from Ariyah. Ariyah was sitting down on Sophie lap. Sophie pretty much had her legs around Ariyah so she wouldn't get up.

I got up and started walking over there. The guys was behind me.

"Why you mad though" Ariyah said calmly.

"I ain't mad" Zaria trying to get Paris to let her go.

"It sure looks like you mad" Ariyah said.

"Oh girl please you think you hard" Zaria said.

"I'm still confused on what put that in your head I don't think I'm hard" Ariyah said.

"But I do find your frustration very funny" Ariyah said with a laugh.

"Sophie you can let me go I ain't going to do shit and by the looks of it she ain't either" Ariyah said calmly.

"Ariyah you to calm and I just don't trust you right now" Sophie said which was smart.

I wouldn't let go either.

"I'm serious Sophie she's the one who talking out her neck I didn't say shit to her I was chilling and I still am" Ariyah said.

"What the hell is going on" Sean asked which all the guys were wondering.

"Ariyah ass is egging her on" Jhene said.

"How though all I asked her was why she mad is that to much to ask what's her frustration" Ariyah said shaking her head.

"She came at Ariyah on some slick shit though" Jhene said.

"See I didn't even as much as acknowledge her" Ari said with a laugh.

"She just started tripping" she said.

"This is low key my fault I said something about the tension" Samantha said.

"I'm tired and want to leave I ain't going to touch her" Ariyah said then pinched Sophie thigh making her let go.

She grabbed her gun from Marcy then started walking to the door.

I followed her out.

I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked to her room.

"Maybe she thought it was rude how you didn't acknowledge her" I said to her.

"I said hi that's all the acknowledgement she need from me she barely need that we ain't got shit to talk about we not friends, we not acquaintances" she said then rolled her eyes.

I can tell she was getting frustrated.

I stopped her from walking and stood in front of her. I placed my lips onto her making her smile as I broke the kiss.

"Feel better" I asked her.

"I need a few more" she said with a little laugh.

"What about this we go into the theatre room and watch any movie you want" I said to her.

"I'm liking this idea" she said with a laugh.

"Ok and you still owe me from earlier leaving me to go to the trap" I said then squeezed her ass.

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