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Dani's POV

"Shh common" what is that

"Gray follow me"

Where is that noise coming from, I got up and Gray wasn't in the bed

"I've missed you so much" it's coming from the hallway

I walked out in the hallway and peaked through the door, Kristen leaned up against the wall.

"Let's make history re occur" gray said, what

"Grayson I want to be back with you but that girl of yours is so stuck up"

"Don't worry about her babe, it's time for a change , your the one I love" I felt tears in my eyes

Suddenly he kissed her, tears were rolling down my face, I ran back into the room and locked the door

This can't be happening not for the 3rd time, why is it always me

I gasped, oh my gosh it was just a dream, why am I thinking of these things, I looked and saw gray was sound asleep

Do I really think that he would do this to me, I need to talk to someone

I checked the time on my phone, it's 3:30, I'll text Nate, I can't bother Ethan about this cuz he's trying to enjoy his time with Bailee and Alex never replies

I quickly sent him a text

D: hey you asleep

Not even 2 minutes later he replies

N: not anymore😑

D: sorry I just need to talk to you

N: is it about that Kristen girl

D: yeah😕

N: what happened

D: I had a dream where I caught gray with her and he said he doesn't love me anymore and he kissed her and I woke up in tears

N: aww Dani, don't worry about it, he's a great guy and I know he won't do anything to hurt you

D: I know but I can't trust that girl, I'm worrying too much, and you know what happened last time when I worried too much

I recalled the cutting and the hospital

N: Dani trust me this guys is in love with you, if today was the last day on earth I swear he would propose if he had the chance

D: oh shut up Nate

N: haha I'm just messing with you, just don't take it to heart, go back to sleep everything will be fine and if anything goes wrong I got your back

D: thanks Nate, night

N: anytime. Gn

Maybe he's right I'm worrying too much, I can trust gray and he promised me that he won't let anything come in the way of our relationship, atleast I hope so

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