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Dani's POV

I woke up in my bed at home, it's nice to be home, but I miss waking up to chaos and sleeping in their apartment. I went on my phone and checked instagram, Gray posted the picture of us at the airport, captioning it saying 'missing my princess already <3'.

I commented back saying 'lol it hasn't even been 24 hours, miss you too Gray<3'. Then as usual the comments came rolling in and such, I went through twitter and took a snapchat in my bed captioning it, 'great to be home'.

Once I took it, I changed into some sweats and a cami, I headed downstairs and my parents weren't there, they already headed to work, but they made me choclate chip pancakes, yes!

Maybe I should edit my video since I have to upload tonight, great.

6 hours later

Finally done editing, jeez this took such a long time, all I have to do is make the thumbnail, when my ringtone went off, I quickly grabbed my phone and saw that Gray was facetiming me.

"hey baby I miss you" him saying that made me smile

"I miss you too, how was the flight and all, I saw your post btw"

"Haha it was good, whacha doing?"

"Just editing, it's kind of a lazy day today, I'm just in sweats and a cami so yeah"

"I know without me in L.A. your really bored arent you"

"Jeez the nerve of you, yes but I also have nothing to do, I though of going to the gym, but that kinda went downhill"

"Princess, why do you even go to the gym I swear your going to turn into a toothpick" I burst out laughing

"I've been having an idea" I said

"Go on"

"Basically i though of moving into an apartment with Lox"

"That's amazing, we'll be closer together"

"Grayson we live 5 minutes away"

"I know but you'll be closer, it's a great idea by the way"

"I know, but it may not happen until like summer maybe, we'll see"

"Anyway, I have to go, eat dinner"

"Why are you eating dinner so early?" then it hit me, the time change

"Cuz, even though it's like 7 over there, it's 10, so yeah, anyway babe I'll talk to you later"

"Yeah, of course by Grayson" and I hung up

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