Part 44

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Anirivya room.
All are done with classes and leave.

Shivomru room.
Shivaay looks at the clock.
" Om I'll take my leave," replied Shivaay.
" Ok have a good day..... don't forget about today evening," responded Om.
" I know because it means a lot to you so 
I'll definitely be there," Shivaay said leaving.

Rudy comes.
" Where is brother?" Rudy asked.
" He left early because of his early classes today," responded  Om.
" Ooh okay," replied Rudy.
" What were you talking with Chubby for so long?"Om asked.
" We were just finishing finishing touches on the party at night," replied Rudy.
" I hope you haven't done anything stupid," replied Om.
" Of course not bro........ because we aren't bringing Shivika together but you as well as Gauri," replied Rudy.
" Shut up Rudy!" Om shouted.
" I was just breaking your leg brother ," replied Rudy.

Shivaay is in class the lesson is about to end and lecturer apologizes for delaying to give students results and promises to give tomorrow and bell rings and are released.

Students start leaving one by one and Shivaay is still packing his stuff and overhears Veer talking to his friends.

" Veer today I saw Anika in the purple dress she was looking  gorgeous and beautiful," said Ranveer.
" Veer tell us how much was the cost of the dress?" Mahesh asked.
"3000 Us dollars," Veer replied.
" That means it was 300000 India rupees .........that isn't a quarter of my pocket money ," responded Yash.
" I can do anything for Anika whether cheap or expensive," replied Veer.
" Ok let's leave or will be late for community service," added Veer.
" Looks like Annie has an effect on you," said Ranveer teasingly.

They leave.

" Anika belongs to one of the richest families in India.....of course she'll wait expensive taste....... whereas I belong to middle class family how will I be able to buy her these expensive and luxurious things..... come on Shivaay..... we're in real life where status lineage and class matters stop day dreaming and face reality," said Shivaay to himself.

Investigation of the nurse.
Karan is at brothel and he's being a spendthrift wasting money on lap dances and his  personal assistant tells him someone is calling him.
He takes call and leaves.
" Excuse me baby dolls BRB ," said Karan .

" What do you want Arpita......I told you time and again not to call me ," said Karan.
" While you're busy enjoying life ......the police are at my tail," replied nurse.
" What do you mean ?" Karan asked.
"Don't you read newspapers or watch Tv....... police are at my neck searching for me left, right and centre," replied Arpita.
" Relax you wore a mask that day in the hospital no biggie," Karan replied.
" Remember something Karan if I go down we all go down together so tell you're boss to add me more money or..... I'll be a darling and surrender myself to the police after all they can give me police protection," said Arpita disconnecting the call.
" Arpita wait.....," said Karan.

He threw the phone on the couch angrily.

" Am sure the boss will eat me raw  if I come with this bad news," said Karan to  

Karan goes and takes his coat.
" Baby where you going don't you want a hot nice and sexy massage," said girl 1.
" I'm leaving I have things to do ," replied Karan.
" Don't be a party popper," said another girl.
He leaves and goes to Kamini's penthouse.

Kamini's penthouse.
Kamini is sunbathing at her swimming pool and her maids comes.
" Excuse me ma'am Mr Karan sir is looking for you," said maid.
" Ok send him here," replied Kamini.
"Ok ma'am," replied maid.

Maid informs Karan and goes.

" Karan what a pleasant surprise to see you you want anything juice, champagne , tea or coffee lattee  perhaps," Kamini said.
" No thanks am good.....there is something I need to tell you," Karan said.
"What is it......why do you look so serious," said Kamini.

Karan explained everything to her about Arpita wanting my money.

" So do I send her more money?" Karan asked.
" Absolutely not even a single penny.......let her go to the police," replied Kamini.
" Really ," replied Karan.
" You Kamini Desai am a very influential woman in this country with a snap of my finger I can destroy her like dirt ," replied Kamini.
" Meaning!?"Karan asked confused.
" What I mean to say is that money talks.......the department with a lot of bribery and corruption is the police unit....I'll just bribe them and all of charges will be hers to bear," Kamini explained.
" Wow such a brilliant idea! Kudos ! Bravo ! " Karan said.

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End of the chapter.
# Shivika ff 2.0.

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