Part 42

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Shivaay was done with his long and tiresome shift and went home.
He unlocked the door and decided to go to bed and he didn't found Omru and assumed that they might be sleeping.

He found them "sleeping" ( put pillow cases and blanket covered on top).
He switched off lights and went to bed.

Anirivya room.
Anirivya are asleep and hear a door bell ringing.
They come out of bed with Gauri in a night gown, Anika in her pajamas and Bhavya in her sleeveless blouse and shorts.
They decided to go all in unison in case a burglary appears with basketball bats and brooms for self protection.

They unlock the door.
" What are you guys doing here at the middle of night.... don't you know some of us have classes tomorrow?" Anika said.
" Some of us love our beauty sleep," Gauri added.
" Are you guys insomniac?" Bhavya asked.
" Actually we should be the ones asking questions here......why are you carrying those items?" Rudy asked.
" Actually it's for self protection in case thieves , robbers come in," Bhavya explained.
" Ooh," Omru said in unison.
" Let's come to the point....Rudy please tell them ," Om said.
" Well sexy hot  beautiful and bold divas actually tomorrow Om and Gauri are celebrating a one month anniversary of being a couple so we came here to invite the 3 of you as you're Gauri's best friend," said Rudy.
" Om may I please talk to you in private," Gauri said.
" Sure ," Om replied.

" I hope Om doesn't screw this plan .....for heavens sake I hope he lies," Rudy said to himself.

Anivya were asking questions.
Bhavya flips her fingers.
" Are you even listening to us ?" Bhavya asked.
" Yes actually am a bit tired .... please repeat your queries," said Rudy.

" Om there's something you're definitely hiding .....tell me ," said Gauri.
" Actually nothing sweetheart......I want for the others to know how much I love you and how you've add color to my life I decided to come up with this small get together party," replied Om.

" Ooh heavens please forgive me for lying.....I hope you can stop making her ask my questions," said Om to himself.

Gauri looked at him and he thought he was going to ask him more questions but fortunately she hugged him.

" Om that's so know I'm so fortunate to have you as my boyfriend.... am truly the luckiest girl in the world," Gauri said happily.

Om looked above and gestured heavens thank you.

" Let's go to Rudy am sure Anika and Bhavya are asking him a lot of questions," Gauri said ending the hug.

Om nods and comes to them.
Rudy sees him and Om gestures him in the secret code language that all is well.

Om steps forward.

" Thank goodness you're  Om Rudy isn't telling us the full details which party will it be ?" Bhavya asked.
" It will be masquerade ball party,"   Om replied.
" Which attire?" Bhavya added.
" Princess and prince clothes ," Rudy said.
" But we don't have any of those clothes,"Bhavya said.
" Don't worry about it am a model as well as a designer....we have some clothes in my class," Rudy explained.
" Is Shivaay going to be there?" Anika asked.
" Yes he is after all he and Rudy are the only friends I have and am sure if you don't come my Gauri will be hurt and heart broken so  please come ,"  Om said.

Rivya came to her.
" Will not be complete without you Annie ,"said Bhavya.
" Yes do it for my sake ," said Gauri.

Anika nods her head.

" Perfect will take our leave ," Rudy said.
Omru were leaving just then Bhavya stopped them.
They crossed their fingers.
" Yes Bhavya ,"said Rudy.
" Which time ?" Bhavya asked.
" At night we really have to go ," said Rudy fake yawning.

Shivomru room.
" Yes Veer I will marry you," Anika said excitedly.
Anika and Veer kiss.
" No ! Anika !" Shivaay said.
He wakes up.
" It was only a dream ......I feel drenched let me go and take so water  from kitchen," Shivaay said he accidentally knocked "Rudy" and apologized but then he doesn't hear him complaining as he usually does and pulls the blanket and finds pillow cases and even in Om.

" Where could they be this time of the hour?" Shivaay asked.

Omru were happy that their first phase of plan succeeded and know went to their room and tip toe to their beds they unlocked the door.

Switch on the lights and saw Shivaay waiting for them.
They shrieked.
" Where were you guys this time of the hour ?" Shivaay asked.

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# Shivika ff 2.0
End of the chapter.

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