Part 19

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Anika is walking at the corridor but still seeing images of Shivaay.
Luckily she reaches Anirivya room.
She rings doorbell and Bhavya comes to open the door for her.
" Hi Annie how was your day ?" Bhavya asked.
"It was fine ....but am a bit tired so I'll go and take a siesta ,"Anika replied.
" Ok ," Bhavya said.

Students are still settling in class Om is still waiting for Gauri then suddenly a beautiful girl appears wearing a yellow dress with yellow leggings and matching flats she's 🔥🔥.
Om is mesmerized by her beauty and is left awestruck .
Gauri comes to him.
" Beautiful.....I mean you look beautiful ," Om said nervously.
" You're not bad either.... you look handsome ," Gauri said complementing Om.

Shivaay passes the cafeteria and remembers how Anika surprised him with home made food so he buys some aloo puri and paratha to reciprocate her kind gesture.
He leaves to go to Anika's place first.

Bani room.
" Bani I don't understand one thing ?" Malika asked.
" What's it sweetheart ?" Bani replied.
" Why are you still keeping all your social media accounts you're dating Veer ?" Malika asked confused.
" Because I haven't made my move on my target soon ( Shivaay ) and patient with time I'll make my move ," Bani replied.
Malika nodded to show she understood.
" But first you'll have to check whether Shivaay has any girlfriends or fiancees ," Bani added.
" Ok I am on it ," Malika said.

Shivaay rings doorbell Bhavya is irritated because she's watching her favorite programme and she stands up and wears her shoes and goes.
She opens the door.
" Hello Anika here may I speak to her and I brought her favorite dishes.
" Firstly don't be formal call me Bhavya ok ......," said Bhavya she wanted to finish but receives a text from Anika .

Hey Bhavya please tell Shivaay am not here .Thanks I love you.

Flashback shows.
Anika woke up after hearing doorbell as she goes to living room she sees Bhavya and Shivaay talking she hides and texts the message to her.

" Actually Anika went to the market to buy groceries ," Bhavya replied.
" Ok I'll leave these behind enjoy the food Bon appetit ," Shivaay added.
"Thanks bye namaste ," Shivaay replied.
" Bye ,'' Bhavya said while waving at him and picked the food.

" Maybe Gauri was right not all boys are obnoxious and a physique freak like that Rudra Singh Oberoi he's a gentleman ," Bhavya said to herself.

Anika noticed eerie silence and knew that the cost was clear and approaches sitting room  and thanks Bhavya.

" I owe you one ," Anika said.
" You know I hate lying it's not in my vocabulary let alone my dictionary ," Bhavya said.
" I know that's why I love you more than Gauri ," Anika said.
" Anyways why were you hiding from Shivaay ?" Bhavya interrogated.
" It's embarrassing ," Anika said.
" Am your friend right you just said you love me more than Gauri so just tell me....I promise I won't say anything to Gauri ," Bhavya said.
" Pinky promise ," Anika said.
" Pinky promise ," Bhavya said.

Anika explains the whole bizarre scenario she had.
" Your crushing hard Annie ," Bhavya said laughing.
" Stop it.... anyways I am hungry cook me something ," Anika said.
" I don't need to cook because your prince charming brought you food ," Bhavya replied.
She brings food on dining .
" Wow Aloo Puri and paratha my favorite dishes !" Anika exclaimed.
" Keep your hands off I know it looks tasty ....but let me serve ," Bhavya said while bringing 2 plates and distributing each.

It was now Rikara's chance to give a presentation and gave it Om started talking and Gauri kept looking at him awed by him that she nearly forgot it was her time.
" Gauri ! Your turn ! " Om said.
" Ooh yes !" Gauri said .
She gave the speech also and to cut the long story short they were awarded first position by lecturers.
Gauri hugged Om tightly he coughed to cue her that people were staring she cursed them silently for interrupting their moment and lecturers released students.

Shivomru room.
Door bell rings .
" Hold on Chubby am in trouble ," Rudy said.
" But why ?" Chubby asked.
" Brother has come and I haven't prepared lunch ...bye ," Rudy replied.
" Ok bye ," Chubby replied disconnecting the call.

He starts heating water to prepare rice and leaves to open the door.
" Hey brother ," Rudy said faintly.
" Were you pale ?" Shivaay asked.
" Do you mind staying outside for 30 minutes ?"  Rudy said nervously.
" Why something wrong ?" Shivaay said.
Rudy tried giving excuses and he figured out that he didn't prepare lunch and comes to assist him he cooks rice while Shivaay cooks chapatis and kheer they share precious moments.

Rikara are leaving.
Shivru are done cooking and serve each other .
Anivya talk about Rikara and tease them they wait to tease Gauri.

Thanks for reading .
End of the chapter.
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# Shivika ff 2.0.

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