Part 31

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Shivomru room.
Om is busy finalizing his romantic dinner with Gauri.
" Flowers in vase  check, dining set check and food check ," Om said to himself.
He kept a cake to bake in an oven.
Then Gauri rang doorbell and Om went he was still dressed in an apron and he opened the door.
He was awestruck by her beauty yellow dress and yellow leggings with matching flats she was 💯🔥🔥.
Om took her hand and walked with her to dining set and excused himself because he went and changed he came wearing a bow tie a black suit , a white shirt and black trousers and loafers with hair tied backwards he was 😚🥰🔥🔥💯.

He came.
" Wow .... someone is looking hot ," Gauri complemented.
" OMG my girlfriend complemented me but you're killing it with your outfit," Om replied.
" But tell me something..... having met you always wear yellow why ?" Om added.
" Because yellow reminds me of sunset it's beautiful....and I always prayed for my sunset... luckily heavens answered me ," Gauri said.
Om looked down covering his blush and 
Gauri smelled something burning.

" Om I smell something burning ," Gauri said.
" Ooh shit.....I forgot I kept something in  the oven ," Om said leaving.
He switched off oven and his cake that he baked for desert was ruined .
He was disappointed and Gauri touched his shoulders lovingly.
" Don't worry Om it's okay," Gauri said.
" But I wanted our date as a couple to be perfect top notch ," Om replied.
" It isn't a disaster ... because there is plenty of food  ....shall we go ," Gauri requested.
" Am happy you came to my life ," Om said both of them leaving to dining set.

Anika is done with her classes and today she uses the route of Veer's room.
His door is slightly opened and while walking her food knocks a champagne bottle.
Veer was only one in his room he was devastated after Bani rejected him and waited for his friends to leave and to commit suicide so he ties himself to the rope and fortunately Anika picks bottle and knocks the door to return it and coincidentally the door opens and she is shocked to see Veer on the chandelier and quickly leaves her bag and picks up a stool and removes rope and carries him on the nearby couch.

She tries tapping her but no response and then she sees a jug of water and sprinkles it he regains consciousness.
Anika thanks the heavens.
" Bani you're here," Veer said weakly.
" No's her twin Anika ," Anika said.
" Why did you save me ?" Veer asked.
" You could have let me to die ," Veer added.
" Instead of thanking're reprimanding me ," Anika said sarcastically.
" Why did you save me .... besides no one cares about me ," Veer replied.
"Veer how can you be so selfish .... didn't instead think of your family and friends especially your mom how would they feel after they heard news ," Anika explained.
" But you don't reason for my being dumped me and to add fuel to fire my image in this school is jeopardize everyone is talking ill of me ," Veer replied.
" Veer you can't change the past but you can change the present ," Anika replied.
" It's not to late to do right thing...earn their forgiveness show to them you have turned for the better," Anika added.
" But why do you care?" Veer asked.
" Because we are humans and am human and all of us aren't perfect we have done mistakes in our lives in one way or other ok," Anika said.

Veer was simply admiring her.
" Tell me something Anika do you have a boyfriend ?" Veer asked.
" No...not yet I haven't found the right person yet," Anika replied.
" Anyways enough with the interrogations you look furnished ," Anika said.
" I'll eat something," Veer said.
" I don't trust you.... let's go to the cafeteria ," Anika said.
" What if people gossip me ?" Veer asked.
" How long will you live in fear and hide....come out of  it like a butterfly you have to face people head on ," Anika said dragging him.
"But first change into new clothes and comb your hair ," Anika said.
" But why ?" Veer asked.
" Your impression matters.... want people to think your weak ," Anika said.
" Of course not am Veeranshu Singh Oberoi," Veer said confidently.
" There is Veer  I know ,"Anika said.

He came dressed in a white T shirt and jeans and sneakers.
He and Anika reached the cafeteria and  started eating.
Then Shivaay came there after his discussion group and saw Anika feeding Veer and both of them smiling and laughing and remembered how Anika told her that she had feelings for Veer .
" Maybe I was wrong Veer is perfect for Anika their happy ," Shivaay said to himself.
His smile turned to a frown.
He left and while walking questions were lingering why is he affected seeing 
Anika and Veer together ?
Also on walking he heard girls talking

"# Vanika ," said girl 1.
" They look perfect for each other ...what do they say yes...I remember match from heaven," said girl 2.

Shivomru room.
" Thanks for the food Om," Gauri said.
" Welcome...sorry for the disaster," Om replied.
" Actually disaster brought us together ," Gauri said.
Om smiles and kisses her forehead and escorts her.

What really transpired.
After eating food Gauri suggested to order pizza to compensate for the damaged cake and ate while watching a romantic movie and after a while found themselves sleeping in each other's embrace.

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# Shivika ff 2.0.
End of the chapter.

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