Part 6

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Shivomru room.
( Imagine 3 sides Shivaay ( blue) Om ( white) Rudy ( orange).

" Here we are home sweet home make yourself comfortable," said Om.

" Why is it spacious ?" Shivaay exclaimed .

" Ok gone and refresh up I'll make  lunch for the two of us ," added Om.

" Before I go.... where is our other roomate and to thank you I'll prepare lunch ," shivaay replied.

" No I insist you're my guest ," said Om.

But Shivaay kept on insisting and he agreed.

He went and cooked Spinach salad and kheer.He brought on the table and excused himself to take a shower.

Om waited for him and he came out wearing a black shirt and jeans he was 😘.

He came and a loud bang was at the door om went and opened the door.

It was Rudy he saw someone on their dining set.

" Om who is this man ?" Rudy asked.

" He is my friend I met him today and he had no room so I decided to offer the one space ," replied Om.

" But I also apart of this room and you should have consulted me ," said Rudy.

" Stop being a drama queen and go and meet him he's really kind ," om said.

Rudy went to Shivaay.

Om introduced Shivaay to Rudy and vice versa.

They bonded and ate the food.

Omru complemented him of his cooking skills.

Omru decided to show him around they showed him classes, cafeteria and entertainment joints.

Rudy started showing her girls Om was disgusted by him but he was Rudy of course.

One girl caught his eye a girl wearing white dress white leggings and a scar yep it was Anika Kapoor.

They showed him even their obnoxious brother Veer and when they showed him so Veer bullying his fellow university mate .

Omru tried to stop him because Veer was famous and powerful but Shivaay didn't like seeing others bullied and stepped in action and spoke to him other university mates were shocked because everyone feared Veer and no one had guts to speak to him.

He defended the boy and the boy thanked him .

Veer alongside his friends went .

The crowd started applauding and cheering him.

Anirivya were present.

" Man that boy has guts....he is now a real man not like cowards like RSO ," said Bhavya .

" Whose RSO?"Aniri asked .

" Rudra Singh Oberoi his only work is to show his biceps and triceps but he's just a coward ," said Bhavya.

" Aww...someone has been checking him out ," Gauri said.

'' Anika stop your crazy friend ...and also someone has been checking Omkara Singh Oberoi," replied Bhavya.

" Anyways am also surprised that man alongside Omru has guts to take out Veer ," said Anika.

" Yes someone needs to teach him a lesson....I think this was karma for what he did to you ," said Bhavya  .

Everyone was quiet Gauri spoke out of the blue.

" Plus that guy has the prettiest of eyes like the ocean ," said Gauri.

" Yep I think he's the only man in this University to have those eyes and also his complexion very light like whites he's sexy too ," Bhavya said.

" He's good but Veer .....," Anika said.

" Come on Annie forget about Veer he doesn't serve you ....I think this man is a sign of good tidings to you," Bhavya said.

They left.

Shivomru went to their rooms.

Thanks for reading.
# Shivika ff 2.0.
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End of the chapter.

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