Part 40

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" Chubby did you find anything about Yuvraj?"Rudy asked.
" Yes take a look," Chubby replied.
He was flabbergasted and shocked beyond words.
( Yuvraj was ripped ( heavily built) and was very handsome any girl could see him would fall in love with him in a second).
" Is this my competition to Bhavya's heart ?" Rudy asked aloud.
" What ?! Chubby asked.
" I mean is this my competition to the supes magazine in top 10 hunkies .......I don't want my star ratings to go down  and girls attention to leave me .......because it's my life that is at stake here," explained Rudy.
Chubby was rolling his eyes.
" Enough with your drama Rudy.....from  Facebook and Instagram accounts his also studying to be a cop......I think they make a cutie couple," replied Chubby.
" They ?!Rudy asked confused.
" Him and Bhavya don't you think?" Chubby replied.
" Who side are you me or that egotistical
self conscious dude ?" Rudy replied.
" Hold on a second.....Rudy I thought you wanted to be friends with the guy and you're replying as if you're jealous of him," said Chubby .
" Shut up Chubby......I want what's best for Bhavya ..... because I  think that guy is not suitable for her ..... because she's one in a million," replied Rudy.
" You haven't met the how ?! Chubby said.
" Because I love her," said Rudy out aloud.
" What you love Bhavya !?" Chubby exclaimed.
" Keep your mouth shut or else someone may hear you and we don't want that do we ," replied Rudy holding his mouth.
Chubby nodded and he removed his hands .
" Yuck I touched your dirty mouth ," replied Rudy removing a sanitizer and washing his hands.
" You love Bhavya," said Chubby whispering.
" Yes and promise never to tell anyone this is between you and me," replied Rudy.
" Okay not Om and Shivaay," said Chubby.
" Especially not them they'll be teasing me everyday," Rudy replied.

Anirivya room.
Anika changed in her new clothes and went to the mirror admiring herself.
" I look beautiful.....but I don't understand why a  part of me wanted Shivaay to gift me and not the other way around," said Anika to herself.
She heard door bell and knew it was Gauri.
Gauri kept her stuff on the shelf in living room and then noticed how Anika
was 🔥🔥🥰🥰💯💯.
She assumed that her and Shivaay buried the hatchet and he gifted her this
"Annie did my plan work.....are you and Shivaay together or rather official," said Gauri.
" Firstly am still angry with you about the closet thing....... Shivaay and I aren't together I realized he has feelings for someone else..... unfortunately am not that person," replied Anika.
" What?!" Gauri exclaimed.
" Who? " Gauri asked confused.
" Bani ," replied Anika with tears rolling.
" I thought you and him cleared misunderstanding and him and her are just tutor and student," replied Gauri.
" I thought too .....but I realized today ," replied Anika.
" What makes you think that?" Gauri asked.
" While in the closet he was about to kiss  me then he stopped.......then I saw them her and him together happy," explained Anika.
" Then who bought you these clothes then ?" Gauri asked.
" Veer.....anyways I am going to change," replied Anika.
She left.
" Something doesn't add up ...... Shivaay and Bani ?" Gauri asked to herself.

Shivomru room.
Shivaay already groomed and took his jacket and shoes.
" Where are you going?" Om asked.
" To the cafeteria," said Shivaay.
" But your shift doesn't start ......after an hour," replied Om.
" Actually today John was busy and told me to take his shift and will compensate me tomorrow," replied Shivaay.
" But at least eat something,'' replied Om.
" I'll eat at cafeteria," said Shivaay leaving.

Om calls up Gauri.
" Looks like our plan didn't succeed ," said Om.
" Yes even she wasn't happy as I came in...... BTW is Shivaay dating Bani?" Gauri asked.
" No....what made you think like that?" Om asked.
" Anika told me ," replied Gauri.
" I think there is still misunderstandings between them," said Om.
" you later Anika is coming," replied Gauri.
" Bye ," said Om disconnecting the call.

" But what is it afraid of?" Om asked.
Rudy came in and he listened to what he said.
" Who ?" Rudy asked.
" Shivaay of course," said Om.
"Speaking of the devil ....where is he ?" Rudy said.
" He left to the cafeteria," replied Om.
" But his shift doesn't start until  an hour and 45 minutes," said Rudy.
" He had an early shift today," replied Om.
" Anyways did you plan work?" Rudy asked.
Om gestured no.
" Of course it didn't because Rudy Singh Oberoi wasn't a part of it ," Rudy said.
" What are you saying?" Om asked.
" I have a plan that will bring Shivaay and Anika together....just sit back relax and watch how I turn their misunderstandings to pure love," Rudy said.
" Okay what makes you think your plan will work?" Om asked.
" It's full proof.....let the game of love begin ," said Rudy.
Making gun sounds.

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# Shivika ff 2.0
End of the chapter.

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