Part 29

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Anirivya room.
Anirivya are eating supper but Gauri is just talking over the phone with Om and smiling and giggling.
Bhavya and Anika make a plan to steal her phone  without her knowing.
"Gauri may please bring me sugar from kitchen , " Anika says.
"Okay BRB ," Gauri said.
Gauri left her phone and Bhavya started scrolling her texts.
This is the conversation.

Om : Miss you so much darling.
Om: I wish you and I could live in the same house.
Gauri : Cheapde....we just starting dating today.
Om: That means I have an effect on you and right now you must be blushing hard.
Gauri : Stop know I am shy.
Om: I love shy girls... they're cute 😘.
Gauri: Ok good night.
Om : You have to say the magical words first.
Gauri : I love you.
Om: I love you more... good night sweet dreams ...dream about me.

Bhavya was just smiling and Anika didn't want to miss drama and also started smiling.

They heard footsteps and stealthily put Gauri's phone .
Pretended to be deeply engrossed in their dinner and she knew something was fishy.
" Ok spill the tea ," Gauri said.
" Mmh...Gauri and Om are dating long why you expecting to hide this ," Bhavya teased.
" Yes ....Gauri we are friends and friends share everything with each other highs and lows ," Anika added.
"It happened so I was overwhelmed and was waiting for the right time ," Gauri explained.

Anivya hugged and congratulated her and retired to bed.

Morning time.
Oberoi mansion.
Inspector and constable came to give Shakti good news because he wasn't in his office.
" Inspector what are you doing here ?" Kalyani asked.
She found him and constable seated.
" Actually ma'am I wanted to talk to Shakti ," Inspector replied.
" Ok...what about  dear ?!" Kalyani asked.
" Am sorry ma'am it's between me and him it's confidential ," Inspector said.

Out of the blue Shakti came.
" Rajesh come let's go to the study ," Shakti requested.
When he was about to stand Kalyani stopped them.
" Wait Rajesh....what are the two of you always communicating in the dark tell me what's going on ...Shakti am you're mother ," Kalyani said.
" Okay mom I think I have been keeping this in dark for too long deserve to know truth ," Shakti said.

Pinky's room.
"Thanks Susainana ....BTW where is my husband ?" Pinky asked.
" He's in living room alongside Madam Kalyani and two police men ," Susainana said.
" Ok thanks.... you may leave ," Pinky said.

Shakti started explained everything to her.
Then later inspector told everything to Shakti  and showed him the clip video and CCTV footage.
" That means my son is alive," Shakti said tears rolling down her cheeks.
" My grandson is alive," Kalyani said cheerfully.

Pinky came and her phone fell hearing the news.
"Pinky am sorry for not telling you this sooner ," Shakti said approaching her.
" But how the doctors and nurses said I gave birth to a stillborn baby," Pinky said.
" It was all lies Pinky our child is alive ," Shakti said.
" Where is he..I want to see him ," Pinky said.
" Actually we haven't found him...but we have a lead on the team and I are currently working to find her so that you can reunite with your son ," inspector said.
" Okay do everything to find that lady so I can see my son again ," Pinky said.
" I'll take my leave namaste ,"said inspector leaving with constable.
All were happy.

Mumbai University.
Veer and his friends arrive .
Students start talking.
" From grace to grass," said girl 1 .
" I think principal did wrong by giving them a second chance...they would have just been expelled," said girl 2.
" They deserve this is karma for their doings," said a girl 3.

" Veer ignore them let's go," Ranveer said.
They went to their room.

Bani's room.
" Girl for the past 2 days you're just talking about Shivaay from A to seems you are falling for him and you aren't focusing on your mission," said Malika.
"No ...the plan is still on motion," Bani replied.
" I can't win an argument over you am leaving," Malika said.
" Where to ?" Bani asked.
"To the supermarket to buy groceries,"said Malika.
" Ok," Bani replied.

Malika left and after 5 minutes doorbell rang.
" I think it's her ... she's a clumsy girl pretty sure she forgot something," Bani said to herself.
She left and saw the least person she expected Veer .
" Veer what are you doing here ?! Bani asked confused.
"I'm here for you sweetheart...I have seen that you're social media accounts show that you're still saying we're dating ... please Bani let's leave past behind and start new with fresh start ," Veer said.
"Please we've discussed about this is over ," Bani said.
But he pulled her close.
" Leave me ," Bani said.
" Babe I missed you," Veer replied.

She kept convincing him to leave her but it was on deaf ears.
Luckily Shivaay was coming there way and saw Veer forcing her without her consent.
He springed in action.
" Leave her Veer... haven't you learned anything from your suspension or rather do you want to be expelled," Shivaay said.
Veer didn't want to jeopardize his stay in school so he left.
" Bani are you okay? Are you bruised ? " Shivaay asked.
" Thanks ...I don't know what would have occurred if you didn't come," Bani replied.
" Don't mention it we're friends after all ," Shivaay replied.
" Okay...but you can come inside for snacks as a way to repay your kindness with some snacks," Bani requested.
" No thanks am full... maybe another day bye..stay safe ," Shivaay said leaving.
Bani waved at him and smiled and went 

End of the chapter.
Thanks for reading.
# Shivika ff 2.0.
End of the chapter.

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