Chapter 40 - Fate's Wish

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"Is it her destiny?" A golden Sandwing asked worried, "I'm sure" A Nightwing darker then a cloudy night sky said while he stared down at a foggy pond.

The place wasn't dark but grey, there were mountains higher then ever and the sky was grey, the only way out was on a ledge that lead out of a pit black cave.

Fog covered their sight, "Are you sure?" She asked as she fixed her wings, "I'm sure, I've never been wrong... well not after it happened" He said as the Sandwing started to walk off.

He stared down at the waters while batting at the fog, "Isn't it the humans destiny?" She asked as he didn't respond "This shouldn't happen but if they defeat the creature one of them needs to go and I don't think the prophecy will be complete" He whispered as she turned around in horror.

"So if this 'Arctic' isn't defeated he will kill any dragon but if he is defeated she can't be reincarnated again in time...?" She asked as he nodded.

"Oh old Queen of Sandwings, the Nightwings reincarnated went wrong" He chuckled, the Sandwing turned around and hit him. While the pond turned red.

"If you're doing this alone, don't be so bitter Dreamteller" She mumbled.

"It's not me, it's Fate. I just watch and know"

"ACINONYX WAKE UP!" Hail screamed from across the building.

Acinonyx jolted awake as her pale orange and purple hair lightened up and Mallow woke up and landed on her shoulder.

A lime Rainwing ran into the room and linked their arms together, "This looks weird Anaconda" Onyx said while Anaconda shot a glare back her then smiled "Your arm is too high for me" They both laughed for a while then went out to see the others in the main room.

Everyone was in the main room and the first thing that stood out to Acinonyx was the fact that Rsch was hugging Hail as he rubbed her back, her neither Mallow heard sobbing or sniffling just silence.

Soon enough Anaconda let go of Acinonyx to talk to Tide who was watching Fawn draw something, Mallow was about to go and land on Rsch's shoulder but on the short flight there Onyx pulled his wing and stopped him from flapping.

The hybrid sighed, "Not today Mallow" She whispered as Mallow looked sad and landed on her shoulder while Acinonyx quietly walked up to her un-biological sister and brother.

She sat beside Hail who didn't turn his head to look at her, Onyx got on her knees and reached for Rschvania before a huff came out of the blueberry human and she shifted a bit, Acinonyx needed an explanation.

"What's wrong with her? Is she sleeping?" Onyx whispered as Hail looked up at Onyx and Mallow, "She has two current issues that have been killing her for a while now..." Hail whispered back at Onyx accidentally changed her hair and wing colors to different shades of blue, "And they are...?"

He didn't say anything all he did was huff and look down at the ground, "Rsch told me she has been having this thing called a baby fever and she has been suffering from the same nightmare three days in a row" He explained in a loud whisper and Acinonyx fixed her posture and yanked her hand away from the distressed woman.

"What's a baby fever?" She asked "Don't know" He simply replied.

Mallow poked Onyx to see Rsch lifting her head up to hear the comments that her Hail have been making, "Oh hey Onyx..." She yawned then she froze and jumped into her arms while Mallow stood on her tail.

Rsch didn't look completely happy to see her but more worried and disturbed, "Don't die on me please! You promised that only the destruction of Pyrrhia could separate us!" She shouted as Hail starred at her.

Did Acinonyx hear that right? Yes she did, where had Rsch been where she knew that the promise she made would be potentially broken, "Excuse me?" She asked.

"I saw in a nightmare" -- Her voice shook with fear -- " I saw you with so much blood spilling out of you! And one of your eyes had a scar and was pitch black!" She buried her face in her hair and cried.

Acinonyx's wings remained blue but with a hint of dark green crawling over the blue, was this foreshadowing another accident? Or even her own death?!

While in the mountain area again it was still foggy and remained how it was.

A small white bird with a black face landed behind Dreamteller as he turned around from his grim spot on the peak of the only ledge of the whole place.

Dreamteller got up and looked at the bird as Mallow landed on his talons, "I see she has gotten the vision..." He whispered in shock, "that's not good" He whispered again while Mallow didn't make a sound.

"You've done your job for long enough. I'll keep you on Pyrrhia to watch the others and the remainder of her life, she seems to love you" The Nightwing said with a snarl and bitter tone, "Mallow you kept her alive longer then even I saw and I'm impressed" He said while giving Mallow a sunflower seed.

Once Mallow finished the seed Dreamteller kept look down at the water, the small bird panicked and tapped Dreamteller, "What?" He asked in a bitter tone again, Mallow chirped while trying to tell him to spare her.

It didn't work and Mallow woke up on Acinonyx then he flew over to Rsch and laid beside the Krus plush.

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