Chapter 37 - The lost Hope

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Note- Writing parts of this chapter did make me uncomfortable and might make you too, so the uncomfortable parts will be underlined so you can skip them, Thanks.

?????, ??????? ??, 2023

TW: Vomit and Child trafficking

Rschvania was curled up in her bed while hugging the Krus plush, she was bawling her eyes out.

Only Hail, Anaconda and Hawk were home, the rest of the dragonets were out doing who knows what?, She really needed to talk to someone.

Rsch perked up at an idea she got, Hail!, she thought, Hail was amazing emotional support, well at times when he isn't going nuts and actually slept that night.

She stood up and almost lost her balance, Rsch felt sick for some reason, she hadn't gone outside for days after Arctic's heart was in her hair.

Rschvania sat back down on her bed then picked up the plush again and hugged it, "HAIL!" Rsch yelled out, "YEAH?" Hail was heard responding "CAN YOU COME HERE?" Rsch asked before she started sobbing again.

Instead of a response Rsch heard footsteps coming down the hallway leading to their room, "What's up?" Hail asked through the shut door.

Rsch hummed then realized the door was closed, she must have closed it when she remembered the children from her child trafficking ring and started bawling her eyes out.

"Come in..." She said weakly as the door nob turned and the Icewing came in, Hail sighed "Is it about the heart again?" Hail assumed, Rsch shook her head.

"I will admit the heart was gross but my memory of the plush..." Rsch said between each sob, "I know it's name but I-I don't remember why I got it..." Rschvania explained before breaking down sobbing.

Hail hugged her and patted her back, "thank you" Rsch mumbled, she sighed and smiled enjoying the hug of true friendship from Hail.
At the church:

Rasazy was reading the dragon book as Krusveto was trying so hard not start crying in front of someone who didn't cry everyday of her life.

Krus leaned back on the bed as Ras looked over at her dedushka, "What's wrong?" She put the book down on her lap as Krus looked away from her.

He couldn't answer, it was to stupid "nothing" Krusveto said as he was holding in many tears.

Rasazy sighed "It's about Babushka isn't it? I miss her to" Ras mumbled, "About what Selever said, she was in the hands of dragons!" Krusveto yelled.

The door creaked open "Talons, dragons have talons" Selever corrected him, "Brother!" Rasazy scolded her older brother.

Selever sat beside Rasazy "Shut it f*cker" Selever said, Krus was to upset to scold him, he didn't say anything just incase his voice sound hoarse.

Rasazy got really mad "SELEVER!" Ras scolded him, Krusveto didn't want to get involved in their fighting.

Suddenly Krusveto grabbed his chest and couldn't hold in his tears, "Sh-she doesn't remember us..." Krusveto said out loud on accident.

The two demons stopped fighting as Rasazy looked devastated and Selever just got mad "What?! She can't just erase us from her new life just like that!" Selever stood up.

"RUV GET IN HERE!" Selever yelled, heavy footsteps were heard coming to the door, "What?" Ruv said in his regular cold and heavy voice.

Selever crossed his arms (looking gay hmm?) "You've done NOTHING but be a JACKA*S to your biological mother and now she doesn't even remember YOU!" Selever got straight to the point.

Ruv scoffed "That's because she's dead" Ruv said as Krusveto was just crying his empty heart out, "NO SHE ISN'T! She has been kidnapped by dragons!" Selever said.

Ruv will admit that he did miss his mother alot but didn't no- he couldn't show it, "what does it matter anyways? Even if she is in a world of dragons, she wouldn't want to come back" Ruv said.

Krusveto spoke up "N-no we can't loss hope..." Krus said, "I know she loves dragons more than anything else and if she is alive she isn't coming back to us!" Ruv said coldly and a bit louder.

"Who knows?! She could be doing something really important, more important than being here" Ruv mumbled the last part of his sentence, he soon walked out of the room.
Back in Pyrrhia:

Rschvania was throwing up in a rusty bucket as Acinonyx was there patting her back while not looking at the same time.

Rsch was shaking as she vomited into the rusty bucket, her tears were mixing in with her stomach remains from lunch not to long ago.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!" Rsch yelled before barfing again, "It's alright Rsch," Onyx said as she was trying to calm her down.

The human sighed then started breathing heavily while trying to catch her breath, "I think I'm alright now" Rsch huffed.

Acinonyx nodded as Rsch used her left wing and tail as support, after all her legs were shaking from throwing up for twenty minutes straight.

Soon Onyx made Rschvania lay down for a nap, she also brought a clean bucket and put it beside Rschvania's bed as she cuddled up with the Krus plush.

Rsch yawned then turned to sleep on her right side, Onyx walked over and threw the green blanket over Rsch, soon she started snoring and before she was choking out loud snores Onyx left.

In the main part of the abandoned building the rest of the dragonets were doing their own thing, expect for Anaconda, Tide and Hawk.

They were playing a card game, Acinonyx flopped down on the ground beside Fawn who had a book on her face, she was upside down on the couch that Hail was sitting on.

Fawn took the book off her head, "The f*ck is up with you?" Fawn asked, Onyx hummed "I'm just worn out" Acinonyx said with a tired voice.

Anaconda turner around, "then go to sleep b*tch!" Anaconda shouted, "What do you think I'm doing? Tackling a small dragonet?, no I'm on the ground trying for a nap dumba*s" Onyx said with mega sarcasm.

Hawk perked up, "Anaconda it's your turn," Hawk said as Anaconda put down a card.
Rschvania wasn't quite asleep yet, she couldn't help but question why the dragonets were so nice to her.

They took her in, they let her in on their 'quest', Tide saved her from the ring of fire Acinonyx started to kill Jerboa and now they were taking care of her when she was sick...

Normally Rsch would do anything in her power to refuse help from anyone because she didn't deserve it, but they were different. and why would she be here if fate didn't want her there?

She wanted them to help her and she wanted to return their favor, they were like siblings not biological siblings that's the only thing they can't be.

The dragonets included Rschvania like she was a dragon and if she did ever get home she wouldn't tell anyone of the dragons existence just to keep them safe.

But what if they already found out about and try to take them or hurt them, the dragonets were her friends.

She wouldn't let her friends get hurt...

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