Chapter 3 - Hot hell market

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?????, NOVEMBER ??, 2023

As Rschvania and Acinonyx were walking in the desert, Rsch was dying of heat stroke while Acinonyx was looking really happy mostly because she was able to pet a rattle snake.

"It's hot as hell out here Onyx, HOW DID YOU LIVE HERE FOR SO LONG?!" Rsch complained "Well I shall ask you how YOU lived a place where it was cold as hell" Onyx asked back and bent down to look at her with a face of winning an argument with her unknown friend.

As they were walking Rsch couldn't help but think how this dragon lived here all her life (she didn't know the scorpion den existed) without a town or city to live in and yes she was about the same age has her but still, Rsch got the fact that she was half sandwing that was built for this weather. What about the nightwing side of her? Could she live and not suffer? The time they were talking and getting to know each other she learned that she never went anywhere out of the desert. Rschvaina didn't know how long they were walking for and Rsch was stopped by the sandwing next to her.

"Rsch you good? You seem deep and I mean deep in thought." Onyx asked looking concerned about what this human has told her about her family life and how her daughter in law brought her back, damn it was sad as f*ck! "I think this might be an awkward question but..." she trailed off trying to find the right words to make this not so awkward I mean she just met.

"How did you live here all alone?" The 7ft tall woman asked looking down her left arm rubbing her right arm, clearly embarrassed

"I lived in a town with an oasis with my family and other dragon sandwings to mudwing and some how three nightwings" The dragon said and continued walking the same way they were going for about twenty minutes ago. "I... there's a... what... wait up!" Rschvania thought out loud then realized she was walking off and Rsch didn't know her why around this sounding twisted world of dragons, once Rsch caught up with Acinonyx it was only a couple 100 steps to the scorpion den.

~~~400 feet later~~~

"Ah~ here's my home town" Onyx wings and arms shot up in the air hitting Rsch in the face "oh crap sorry!" Onyx folded her wings back and headed in a town of sandwings.

The place was full of stands and flying over head dragons with dragon humans. The town looked really nice for dragons which were known to be big, scary, terrible, messy and gold hungry monsters.

But really it looked like a yellow and hot version of the Russian farm market that Rsch stole food from before she met Krus and had Ruv. "So what do you think Rsch? Not like humans say it is in books and fairytales about dragons." Onyx asked sounding very very sarcastic and then looked at a food stand.

"I. Will. Not. Let. You. Leave. Me. Behide. In. This. Maze" Rsch said sounding thearting and walking close beside Onyx while walking down the streets of the so called scorpion den. "Why don't I take you to see the town a bit more?" The dragon asked walking forward a bit "sure its a nice town from the looks of it" Rsch looked around and still stayed close to Onyx so she wouldn't get lost or commonly killed.

"So this place will have many stands and different houses that of course lead to the strong hold of our queen Thorn." Onyx explained while still walking around the town "and yes if you do panic there is a water source near by" The sandwing added to her explanation or more sounding like guide of the scorpion den and also she did show Rsch where the water source she was talking about was.

The two girls kept walking the streets talking and getting to know eachother a bit better, as they were talking about their parents and what they were like Rsch asked Onyx this... "Onyx you said your parents were alive, right?" "Oh yes they live in a house near the stronge hold" Acinonyx replied while pointing to the direction of her parents house "Can I meet them?" Rschvania kept talking after Onyx looked at her again showing the fact she was listening then she gave Rsch a worried look "Eh... maybe we shouldn't yet..." Onyx rubbed her neck clearly off guarded by the question, then Rsch looked at the sky it was getting dark but what she didn't know was that there were three flipping moons?!

It was crazy thats all Rschvania could think. "We should find a place to sleep" Rsch tapped Onyx shoulder as she said that "We can stay in that abandoned place over there, and yes I checked it, it is still is awesome shape."

Onyx ran over to the house mean while Rsch was being dragged by the arm as Onyx pulled her. Once they got to the house they each got a room and Onyx went to Rschvanias room and asked her if she wanted food or something. She was out colded for someone who has been complaining she was dying of heat stroke out there. Acinonyx went back to her room tucked her self in and closed her eyes to try to go to sleep. There's one thing they could say it was a hot hell at the markets today.

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