Chapter 25 - The fight Beyond the Sand

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???, ???? ??, 2023

Warning!!: This chapter is a distributing chapter if your sensitive to distributing content please skip the chapter, read at your own risk! Thanks.

TW. Graphic fight, blood, assassins, a gruesomely murdered dragon, heavy topics in a fight, mention of vomit

"RSCHVANIA MAXIMOVA WE DIDN'T BRING YOU INTO ANY OF THIS!" Acinonyx yelled at Rschvania who had tears in her eyes.

Whoa whoa whoa, who said were starting here? Lets start from the beginning, shall we?

Acinonyx was called into the Outclaws tent again, they had finally located the assassin that murdered Stargazer, Onyx walking into the tent where there was Guard Addax standing in the entrance of the tent he turned around when he saw Acinonyx enter the tent "Ah, Guard Acinonyx I was expecting you, come with me." Addax said as Onyx followed.

They walked into the meeting room, there were three others sitting down at the table, Guard Qilbi, Guard Six-Claws and queen Thorn of the Sandwings herself sitting at the very end of the table, Onyx bowed in respect then sat down into her assigned sitting.

"Queen Thorn you asked me to come in today for an emergency, is that correct?" Acinonyx asked the Queen "Yes we did because we have tracked the resent assassin and we want you and your former Winglet to find him and bring him in" Thorn said as Qilbi looked at Acinonyx with a worried look then looked at Thorn "Permission to speak Queen Thorn." Qilbi said as Thorn nodded her head "Why her Winglet? A Winglet is made out of many different tribes- if any of them get hurt or die in the desert area that could likely lead to a huge dragon disaster again" Six-Claws looked at Qilbi.

"Guard Qilbi, were doing this for a reason not just trying to get in trouble with the other tribes, we are sending her Winglet out because of their Nightwings death." Six-Claws said and looked back at Acinonyx who spoke up before sighing "I will take my Winglet to the quadrants that Guard Capybara said she would give me" Acinonyx said as Thorn looked at her, "We're happy you accepted the misson" Thorn said softy then cleared her throat and stood up "The meeting is over, you may be excused to your posts."

Acinonyx went to the wanted post room where she saw the same young Sandwing that she met last time she came for the news about Stargazer's assassin, "Hello Guard Acinonyx... was it?" Capybara sweating a bit and handing her the researched quadrants "Thank you Guard Capybara and yes it is Acinonyx" Acinonyx said shaking the Sandwings hand who sighed in relief "Alright and your welcome".

The hybird left for the abandoned house to tell the group about the assassin, when she got there Anaconda who decided to be a d*ck stole the quadrants from the hybirds hand and ran off with it then tried to read it "F*CK I CAN'T READ IT BECAUSE ITS IN F*CKING SPANISH, F*CK YOU ONYX" Anaconda cursed at Acinonyx then threw the paper back at Onyx, "I had a feeling you would do that sh*t head" Onyx said as Anaconda walked out giving her the middle finger.

At the moment Onyx was reading the quadrants when Rsch came into the main area and sat beside her, she looked really tired and being tired she leaded on the bass of her wing, Rsch hummed "what's that?" Rsch said quietly moving onto Onyxs shoulder to see the paper, she rubbed her eyes and yawned, Onyx was confused, 'why is she so tired?'.

Acinonyx rolled up the Spanish paper "Why are you so tired? What time is it." Onyx asked the dozing Rsch "mmm- what? Oh its like... 4am or something and like *yawn* the only one up is Anaconda" Rsch said walking off back to bed as Onyx looked outside and the sky was gray with a hit of blue with dimmed stars.

'Holy sh*t they did send me in early' Onyx walked into the bedroom where when she walked back in she saw Rschvanias plush on the floor which she picked up, she walked up to where Rsch was sleep and dropped it beside her and she immediately pulled it into a tight bear hug.

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