Chapter 34 - Looking in the past

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??????, ??????? ??, 2023

TW. Mention of murder

Rschvania was in the bedroom sitting on a hammock waiting for Acinonyx to get back from her nap with Anaconda.

Rsch needed someone to talk to about her past, Onyx was the only other soul to talk to well at least if dragons had a soul.

Acinonyx was in bed rest like she was and Acinonyx has always wondered why was she interested in dragons out of all the creatures why did she read about forbidden creatures that were actually real.

Acinonyx walk in soon from her nap and sat beside Rsch as Mallow landed on Onyxs wing.

A few minutes went by in silence expect for a few Spanish words but Rsch decided to ask Onyx why she thinks that.

The living blue berry (A name that Anaconda gave her) tugged on Onyxs sweater as she turned to face Rsch, "Why do you think it's stupid that I researched about dragons?" Rsch asked

"Well ever since humans don't really like dragons and I heard there are only books in your libraries about dragons and terrible events that happened and don't get me started on the fairytales" Onyx said.

Acinonyx got a bit more serious "But still I would really appreciate if you told me the turth about that" Onyx said as Rsch sighed.

Rschvania knew it was a really stupid reason for it but Onyx wouldn't back down on any un-answered question.

"I was stuck in Krusvetos house and I was having his kid so I read books from his bookshelf and I found his book on the guide to the dragon world so out of all the boring books he had I read that. Honestly it was a bit interesting but sometimes I would have to read a page or two over again because I was throwing up and-" Rsch was cut off by Onyx.

"You had a kid with that Christian sucking weirdo?" Onyx asked "yea and?" Rsch said looking at Onyx "He is the biggest weirdo I have ever heard of and I'm friends with an uncivilized Icewing that ALMOST BROKE MY ARM IN SCHOOL" Onyx raised her voice so Hail, who was in the main part of the house, could here her.

"THAT WAS 6 YEARS AGO MOTHERF*CKER" Hail yelled "I'M A MOTHERF*CKER?. WELL WHEN I F*CK YOUR MOM I WILL BE AN ACCURATE MOTHERF*CKER!" Onyx argued back a few moments of silence later, they didn't stop "WHY WOULD YOU F*CK MY MOM?!" Hail asked "SHES HOT HAIL EVEN A GAY SKYWING THINKS THAT!" Rsch was covering her ears.

"WHAT GAY SKYWING?!" Hail yelled "HAWK YOU F*CKING UNCIVILIZED ICEWING!" Acinonyx said than cleared her throat.

Acinonyx looked back at Rschvania who had her ears covered and had her head buried in her knees as she rocked back and forth.

The Sandwing didn't know how to reply so she just removed Rschvanias hand away from her right ear.

"Rsch it's fine" Onyx sighed "I'm overly loud and I do have some anger issues so sometimes I don't realize how I affect you" Onyx said rubbing the blue berry's back.

Rsch sniffed "Do I not exist to you?" Rsch asked looked at Onyx in her black eyes "No no no! You have me wrong! Look it's just I've become friends with people like me so when I become friends with someone it's normal for me to warm up to them and they warm up to me fast enough to get used to my yelling"

Rsch looked back down at her knees.

"Do you remember when I couldn't find Mallow for a day?" Onyx asked "Yes I know me and Anaconda pulled that prank on you" Rsch smiled.

"I was sobbing that whole day" Onyx sighed looking at the floor, Rschvanias eyes widened "Why do you care about that bird so much?" Rsch asked while moving to kneel.

The end of Acinonyx's tail flicked up and down a bit "He is my emotional support animal out of anything, I couldn't control my own emotions after the day I earned the huge scar across me" Onyx said as the small white bird landed on her wing.

Rsch still didn't get it, she had so many scars but they didn't affect her emotional, what was so horrible about that day?

"Your scar? What happened that day?" Rsch asked as her gazed softened.

Onyx had her hair up in a long braid so she was playing with the end.

"It's not clear but I went out to the border of the sand kingdom with another apprentice in training it wasn't my idea it was his, the Sandwings name was Viper he dragged me to the border and an adult Mudwing came, the only memory of his death I have is the bloody rock he was stabbed on and his body gushing red."

Onyx sighed as she grabbed Mallow.

"I was gushing blood to but I was trying so hard to get to Viper but I passed out but next thing I know is I was in town with Hail and a light scaled Sandwing was reading the deaths that were listed on a scroll, I remember her reading the names Cactus, Oryx, Palm and Viper."

Rsch was a bit heart broken looking and knowing that her not so more newly found friends were just like her in many ways, terrible childhood, losing many emotions, attacks and life changing decisions.

Rschvania was still stuck at the fact she kind of liked Acinonyx, why though? She didn't pay mind to it at the moment though.

Every dragonet of the Amethyst winglet as been screwed over in the past at least once.

Anaconda was almost killed by Nightwings

Tide was attacked by sharks

Acinonyx failed her apprentice friend

Hail was sent to another place where he didn't fit in

Hawk became over controlling

Lastly Fawn has a terrible family life.
It was late at night and Rsch was just staring at the ceiling wondering why she liked Onyx.

Nothing clicked correctly to her then Rsch thought about everything that Krus and Onyx had in common and so much that she loved about Krus, Onyx could bring out in Rschvania's eyes.

Rschvania rolled over to look at the wall and sighed, it wasn't worth dwelling on so she just ended her thoughts and decided to never tell Acinonyx about her unwanted love for her.

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