Chapter 78 - The 141

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(Songs for this chapter -


"You sure you don't want anything else beautiful?" Simon calls from behind me as I throw my clothes into a bag.

"I'm sure. They aren't replacing me and we will be coming back to stay here a lot."

"Will we?" He smirks from behind me.

I turn around and glare at him.
"Yes, you promised Sam you'd bring me back for check ups and you won't keep me away from my family. But i can come back alone."
He's teasing and I can't help but poke him back.

"You will not be going anywhere alone." He growls at me.

"Like I said then, we will be here a lot." I smile as I zip up the bag, kicking it towards Simon.

We are leaving tomorrow morning, I'm moving to Simon's base with him. I'll be apart of the 141. It feels bizarre to even think it. I thought I would never leave Zeta. Well I thought I would never do a lot of things I've done in the last few months.

"You alright sweetheart?" Simon has gotten so good at reading me I don't even need to be looking at him and he can tell something is on my mind.

"I'm okay Simon, I will just miss it here." I say kneeling down to get my shoes. I feel Simon's hands on my shoulders as I stand back up.

"I promise I will bring you back whenever you want. Even if i have to ferry you across the Irish Sea on my back." He's so sweet, I think It'd be far more practical if we just stole an aircraft but I love the romantic gesture.

"I know you would my Bear. And I love you for it." I say leaning back and resting my head on his chest, looking up at his upside down face.

"What else do you need packed? All your music stuff is in one of these bags?" He gestures to the three bags on the floor.

"Yes it's all packed."

"Masks and caps?"

"They're in the second bag." He's so thorough, I can see him checking off the mental list he has in his mind.

"What about meds or supplies from Sam?" He asks next.

"I have a few things in my bag but she has nothing your base won't have equipped. And you and Jonny have the list." I know Simon has already memorized it but carries it around anyway.

"I think we're done with the packing then." He says putting my bags together in the corner.

Looking around my room it's like a snapshot of my life. The missions I've done the people I love, the places I've been and Simon is right in the middle. The next part of my life ready and waiting.

I run over and into his already open arms as he picks me up and pulls me in tightly.

"I know sweetheart. Johnny and I will try and make it as much like home for you as we can." He says into my ear as he strokes my hair, tears coming down my face.

"Thank you Simon." I sob onto his shoulder. He starts to walk us out of my room and towards the mess.

"Reds will chew me up and spit me out if you don't spend tonight with them." He says once we get to the stairs.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now