Chapter 43 - Break In

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(Songs for this chapter -
Nine One One - DRAMA
Lonely Feelings - DJIB MO)


It's hard watching them all go, I know they can handle themselves it's just being left behind doesn't feel good. Do Sam and Megs feel like this all the time? I guess not they have jobs to do here. It's just us, Nik is the only other one on base. It feels weird.

"Megs can we walk?" I ask her before she goes to head back inside.

"Is everything alright?" She gazes at me worried.
Sam looks at me but quickly walks inside to leave us alone.

"I owe you an apology, I kissed Soap when they came to collect me in Caracas, it was only to hand over some intel but that's no excuse and I wanted to let you know what happened, if you are mad that's totally okay."

"I know about the kiss."

"You do?" I ask her gently.

"Yes Reds and Hawks were talking about it in the mess hall and I overheard. To be honest I was a little relieved, it at least explained why Soap was being so weird when you got back."

"I'm sorry Megs."

"It's fine I understand. I also know about his feelings"

"Oh shit." It just came out of my mouth, she giggles at me.

"No it's okay, I kind of suspected once we started to spend more time together. And then once you left it was very obvious, he was acting a lot like Ghost."

"Megs I feel terrible."

"Would you stop I said it's fine, it's not like we made any kind of promises to each other. And being around him, spending time together has been really fun."

"He's likes you a lot."

"I know, he just feels guilty."

"Yes! I told him not to and that it doesn't matter."

"It matters to him, I get the feeling he's an all or nothing kind of guy."

I sigh heavily while we start to walk inside.
"Once this mission is over and I'm not around him all the time he will feel different."

"Oh please." Shes mocks me.
"We both know you aren't going anywhere. Ghost won't let you leave his side and I don't see him joining Zeta. You're a 141 girl now."

I hadn't thought about anything after this mission, but she's right. Once Gone Dark is over Ghost isn't going to let me leave him, not that I want to either. Would Price even let me join his team? I'm reckless and don't always follow orders. Am I even allowed to leave Zeta? I don't know. Conversation for another time, I'd have to talk to Simon first about what he wants.

"Megs I..."

"No don't say it." She cuts me off. "I am happy as things are with Soap, if we move further great if we don't that's okay too. I'm not in love with him or anything okay. Relax."

"Okay." I sigh out. She does seem okay, she's not sad or distant. I will keep an eye on her though and see if anything changes.

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