Chapter 12 - Snap Decision

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(Song for this chapter - War of Hearts - RUELLE)


His lips were so soft and desperate. The passion that he had for me, pulling me in like he'd been waiting his whole life to kiss me. If he hadn't released me from that kiss, i would of given him everything. Everything he wanted to know, see, touch, all of it. Thinking about it makes my whole body feel like its on fire.

He didn't look at me like i was an injured puppy, he looked at me like he was proud. A look that i had to work very hard at earning from the rest of Zeta, Ghost gave it freely. While knowing about my childhood and some of the scars I carry. I misjudged him, thinking he would react the same as Reds. I could see he had been through some terrible things, it was in his eyes. But I didn't realize just how bad they were. Him telling me, doing his best to let me in and know that I wasn't alone. Broke my heart but made me feel so much closer to him.

We're in a convoy on the way to the suspected location. It's a gated neighborhood on the edge of a country town but is suspected to actually be where they are making and shipping bombs so we are going to check it out. Laswell couldn't confirm but was suspicious enough they didn't want to take the chance.

Price, Soap, Andrews and myself are in the first car. Ghost, Reds, Gaz and Bryson in the second and our support team, Charlie in the last.

Soap looks over at me and smiles nodding his head, basically asking if I'm okay. I nod back and give him a light bunch in the arm. Of course I'm okay, thanks to you for helping.

"So how did you get your name Reaper? I've never asked you." Soap starts like we weren't just speaking.

I see the heads in the front seat kink a little bit to listen in. I knew they'd all be interested. It isn't as exciting as they think but I guess it's the mystery of it.

"In the field, on my third, maybe forth mission. The operators called me Reaper because no matter how difficult the situation or odds were, I kept avoiding the Grim Reaper."

"Like death?" Soap asks.

"Yes Soap like death you potato." Price mocks.

"Oh. What was your regiment when you first joined?" He asks another question. He doesn't know or realize. I do have a cover, I use the same as what the rest of Zeta signed up to but before I get a chance to say anything, Price intervenes.

"Soap shut it." He orders bluntly. Too bluntly, he knows something. That may have come from higher up. If it was Reds though he's in big trouble.

We arrive at the location and drive in the west exit, parking just off the road. Ghosts team has the north exit and Charlie by the front gate. Charlie is waiting outside in case anyone tries to flea but also so if there is civilians in here so they have a way to get out and all the exits aren't cut off.

We are walking down the exit way planning to go building by building looking for anything suspicious. The first building is clear, the second building is also clear.

Something is wrong.

There's nothing here, It's not that there is nothing suspicious here its that there is nothing. Not even civilians.

"Price something isn't right." Soap beats me to it.

"I know." he says coming to the back door of the second building.

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