Chapter 67 - Start Small

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I'm so sorry for the delay my favorite people
I had a bad book hangover.

(Songs for this chapter -
So Called Friends -  VALE & DUNE
Love Better - CVBZ
Down - JOY.)


There's a knock at the door but I don't look up.

"Yeah?" Trekkie answers it from behind me.

"I um, just wanted to talk to Megs." I look up to see Reds in the door way.

"I'm kind of busy." I answer back, I'm not in the mood for meaningless chit chat with him.

"You can spare a second it's just cataloging." Trekkie says dismissively from behind me, thanks for that.

I watch him over my glasses walk around my desk and stand next to me. I look up at him and cross my arms, leaning back in my chair. He looks awkward and nervous, good. He completely embarrassed me, spending the whole night in my bed and then not even acknowledging I exist the next day. If El could tell we had been together then maybe half if not the whole base can tell.

"Well?" I say impatiently.

He looks over at the back of Trekkie who hasn't moved before looking back at me.

"I like you're glasses. They're pretty." What? I look at him bewildered for a moment before I let out a small chuckle.

"Thanks?" I say in question.

He nods his head before he turns around and leaves, what was that supposed to mean?

Trekkie turns around and looks at me.
"Did the idiot put salt on his cereal? What the hell was that?"

"I have no idea." I laugh back.

"No one does with him, well except for El." He replies going back to his computer screen.

Maybe she said something, she did say she was going to talk to him. But I'm sure it wasn't go and tell her she has nice glasses. Reds you're such an idiot, why can't he just talk to me. Why does everything have to be a complicated riddle with him. Not to say I can't normally decipher them but I'd rather he just be open and honest with me.

I like your glasses? What the fuck idiot.

I've been pacing up and down the living quarter halls for ages, trying to work up the courage to talk to her. Yeah sure starting small is easy, my ass. Jesus how does anyone do this shit. I'd rather be thrown in a snake pit. Fuck. I hate this I hate this.

"Reds you all good?" Soap interrupts my pacing and temporary insanity.

"Oh shit." I panic at the sight of him.

"I know my presence is shocking but maybe turn it down a little huh?" He jokes at me.

"Um sorry no that's not it, I need to talk to you actually." Shit how do I even say this, he's probably going to take a swing at me. May as well start with all the guys, every woman on base has had a go.

"Woah this isn't like you man, what's going on?"
He comes closer to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"How's things with Meg's?" I ask, it's the only way I can think of starting on the topic.

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