Chapter 45 - Tame the Lioness

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(Songs ford this chapter -
Until It Happens To You - SASHA ALEX SLOAN


"Oh um Reds hi." Soap is a bit shocked to see me.

"Yeah hey Soap. Sorry I'm not the lovely lady you were excepting. She's staying in my room tonight she wanted some alone time. Reaper said she's been having a rough time the last few weeks and gave her my room. I didn't get say in the matter."

"Oh that's okay. Come in." He says laying back down on his bed.

"How you holding up?" Shit I shouldn't of asked that.

He looks over at me with an eyebrow raised.
"That obvious huh?"

"No. Well to me yeah."

He sighs. "Megs knows doesn't she."

"She does yep. Sorry brother."

"No, my fault I should of been honest."

"The girl's surprisingly okay about it, just talk to her."

"Yeah talk. I'll try."

I get why Reaper is so protective of him, poor lad is punishing himself enough. She doesn't want us to add to it. Can't help your feelings man don't beat yourself up over it.

I go back up to my room early the next morning, I need to get some clothes. I knock quietly in case Megs is asleep.

"Come in." Her sweet voice answers quietly.

I open the door and she's making my bed, so sweet.

"Morning sorry I'll be out of your hair in a second."

"Megs, sit down." I gesture her to the bed.
She sits down and I sit on the opposite bed.

"What's going on? Talk to me."

She sits down, but doesn't look straight at me.

"Megs." I say her lovely name again.

She looks up, it's not sadness on her face it's something else, El use to have that look.

"You don't feel safe anymore do you?"
She nods her head, poor thing.

"And with Soaps attention divided that makes you feel even less so."

She is fidgeting with her nails.
"I just know I'm not at the top of anyone's priority list and if something else happens no one would.." she trails off, I grab her hand.

"El would, she cares about you very much. She came straight to you when those guys broke in didn't she?"

She nods and smiles a little.

"How about this. Don't take this the wrong way, I promise I will protect you if anything happens. I'll come and get you first before I do anything."

She looks at me with hope, she's beautiful. Her glasses are making her watering eyes look even bigger.

"You'd do that for me?"she is shaking poor sweet thing.

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