Chapter 14 - The Request

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(Songs for this chapter
Never Enough - SATIN JACKETS
Just For Me - SAINT JHN)


I've been in the infirmary for a week. Andrews and Price won't let me out and I'm going insane. I was not that badly injured, but Ghost is insisting that i was and could of died, he wants me to stay put so i can heal faster. He is the only reason i'm still in here. He comes in to see me whenever he can, they have all been out on three more mission since i was shot. The progress is slow but we are starting to effect their operations.

I sleep much better now, Ghost sneaks in here when everyone is done for the night and stays with me so i can sleep. Sometimes he sleeps in the bed next to me, sometimes he just sits with me. I know Andrews is aware he just pretends he doesn't know. In fact at this point i think everyone might know. What exactly i'm not sure, even i don't know what's going on with us, with him. I know what my mind and heart say but his will take a little longer and that's okay. He's worth the wait.

He wants to know all about my past, for me to tell him everything before he will fully let me into his heart but.. some of my past, things i have done, survived through. They just aren't things you share, even with people you l.. care about very deeply.
Reds is the only one that knows everything about me and that wasn't by choice. He's very cunning and discovered a lot of things on his own, digging for information in places no one else would think to look.

"You are cleared to leave the confines of this medical prison." Andrews says as he walks over to me.

"You serious?" I say hoping he's not joking, he does that a lot.

"Yes ma'am, but take it easy the next few days." I am already half way out the door by the time he finishes his sentence.

I'm heading straight to Reds, i need to practice. I haven't moved in a week and the man knows all my fighting skills so he's harder to take down. He'll be in the mess hall it's morning and he never misses any chance to eat.

"Reds." i yell as i enter the room. He looks up from a mouth full of food, as does Soap and the two other operators in the room. My bad. I sign over to him in our language the word for training/practice.

"You're cleared?" He says muffled over food. Gross.
I just nod.

"I haven't kicked your ass in a long time, lets do this." His evil grin appearing along with his ego.

"So how's your late night visits been? He asks as we make our way outside. Making kissing noises in my face.

"Shut up." I say as i push my hand into his face.

"But seriously you guys look happy. You are now more yourself around him, I'm glad."

I smile at him, yes I think I am.

"Just hand to hand today okay?" Reds says as we get into an open space on the south side. I just roll my eyes, he thinks i need to take it easy too. I've been taking it easy all week.

"Fine." I answer annoyed.

"Okay when your ready." Reds says but i'm already dashing towards him.
Muscle memory taking over. Lucky he's reactive otherwise i would of got one over him. We are both pretty equally matched. Dodging each others blows, blocking attacks, getting free of attempts to take the other down. Until he gets an arm and my head locked under his arm, normally I would swing my leg back and kick him off balance but I can't twist my injured leg back that far yet even though I try. He spins me around via my shoulders and I hit the ground.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now