Chapter 2 - The long road

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(Song for this chapter -
Alone on the Moon - JOY.)


It's been over an hour and neither of us have said anything. Ghost is driving as best he can given the terrain and I can see he's tired. I would offer to drive but a man of his stature isn't willing to relinquish control that easily. This is a power move, he wants me to know that he's in control of this mission and that he doesn't trust me. I understand.

He's a very smart man, smarter than I gave him credit for. I have heard some of the rumors of Ghost but I'd never met him. When I saw him in the jungle I was impressed and intimidated, not that I would ever let him know that. Once I saw into his eyes, really saw.  I felt a sense of connection to him, we have a unique understanding of the world. He carries his hurt much better than I do, he wears it like armor for everyone to see as a warning and a deterrent. Something I could never do. In that moment I wanted to hug him. I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything that the world has taken from you and refused to give back. Of course he would think I'm crazy, who is this silly little girl trying to hug me.

So I did the next best thing, I let him see me. Only for a moment but it was enough, I know he saw it, he dropped his guard, it may have been temporary but he dropped it none the less.

He glances over at me every now and again, perhaps to check I'm still awake, maybe to ensure that I'm not going pull a gun on him again. I had already put everything on the back seat for this reason, but my hand gun is still on my waist. I slowly take out my X13 and put it on the dash. I can see his peripheral vision is glued to my movements, ready to take action if i try anything.

Then his focus is back on the road again, but he shifts his hands on in the steering wheel, I take that as a sign he's more relaxed now that I am completely unarmed.

His hands.

They are massive on the steering wheel. He's wearing weathered black gloves, worn in all the spots that match up to the consistency of holding weapons. I'm sure my gloves would be the same. I touched his hand only for a moment when he took the car keys but I can't of been the only one that felt it. It was like... I don't know what it was like. It's a feeling I have not experienced before.

"Why did Hoffman assign you with us?" His voice deep and calm as it brings me right out of my thoughts. He's looking at me and I desperately want to look at him but I don't. I can't keep staring at him or he may see something he doesn't like.

"I was closest, and also have some knowledge of the Suns" I shrug as I answer.
A lie.

I really want to say that Hoffman knows I don't back down and will get this mission done no matter what. The rest of Zeta say I'm stubborn like that, never back down from a fight, even at the expense of my life. I can't exactly argue with them when it's true, they know me too well for me to try and lie anyway. But Ghost doesn't, not yet.

"You've been out here on assignment alone?"
He questions. If I didn't know any better I'd swear there was a hint of concern in that question. The inflection in his voice is calming and warm. Like a sunrise hitting your face after a long night in the field. I'm seeing the things I want to see not what is actually before me. He's asking to see if I have any other team members out here, trying to get intel. Something I've heard he's good at.

"Another Zeta-Seven member is in Columbia protecting an asset at a safe house. That would be the closest one."

A truth this time.
Reds and I arrived 20 days ago but went our separate ways as soon as we landed. He's much better with people than I am so it made sense for him to take the protection detail.

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