Chapter 1 - Never saw her coming

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Update - I've just added a very basic, very bad drawing of what I think Reaper would look like. Hope you like it :)

(Song for this chapter - Sleeping on the Blacktop - COLTER WALL)


I fucking hate the jungle. Nik couldn't of dropped me any closer than he did otherwise he risks getting hit by SAM's but christ this jungle is shit. Two hours hour down, one to go. The air is thick and the sun is low, the mission is to extract information from an undercover agent in the Venezuelan jungle. Drop in grab the info from the designated location and quickly and quietly move through the jungle to exfil but this is taking a lot longer than expected. Soap owes me big time for taking this one.

Forty five minutes later and I'm finally getting a ping from the drop. Command thought it best not to meet the agent and save his cover or risk of being discovered so he's planted the info somewhere near by. Not exactly sure what I'm bring back, disc, USB, hard copy files, photos, could be anything but whatever it is we need it. Information on the Suns cartel, they have started smuggling everything and anything to the rest of the world. Drugs, the CIA wouldn't get out of bed for. But now it's weapons, bombs, soldiers and unknown chemicals for warfare. That has made a few of the brass just a little too uncomfortable. We need to know who the Suns are selling to, working with and where and they getting their supplies. 


Got it. A few feet ahead, it's hidden well but i can see the dirt under this tree is recently disturbed. A small box, maybe the size of a post card, few inches thick. Handy. Easy to carry. I refill in the dirt and cover it up, needs to look as though he or I were never here.

Then i feel it.
I know that feeling all too well, there's the barrel of a gun pressed to my temple. Even with the mask i know, hand gun, X13, maybe X12. Hard to tell without seeing it.
I didn't hear a sound, not even a foot step of the russell of leaves. They're good.                                         

I move to disarm but they're too fast, they have my knife and have used the sling of my gun to lock my right arm behind me. Shit, not good, now i have a gun to my temple a knife to my throat. Impressive speed i'll give them that much. Shame it won't help. They have walked in front me, my arm still pinned by the hand holding the knife. They kneel and i'm face to face with them.

With her.

There isn't much to give a way that it's a woman, Tactical half mask, Cap, neck and arms covered. But i could tell she was a woman, those eyes gave her away. Piercing green staring into my soul, you'd think having been surrounded by green for last few hours i wouldn't be fazed but this is a different green. This is 4 a.m. waiting in the tree line with the slowly increasing light before the sun shows its face. The rain hitting the grass that makes a certain shade you only see if you're crawling on the ground. The underground lake in Mexico that Alejandro made me swim though, even though I protested, it was nice now that i think about it. This was all those colored greens mixed together, a green i hadn't seen before and i was already drowning in it.
Stop. NOW.

I am suddenly aware that shes let my arm go but i haven't moved it, why? Move you idiot. She hasn't broken my eye contact yet, she's staring straight at me as i am her, a lesser man might cave but i am not a lesser man. Her face muscles are relaxed and the angle she holds the gun and knife suggest she doesn't mean harm. What color are my eyes again, its been so long since i looked I've forgot. Not that green color that's for sure, why is she still staring at me. Then i see it, everything in my head clicks. Why she's not in a take-down stance, why she let my arm go and why she hasn't dropped her gaze. Pain. That green is keeping me locked onto her because its riddled with anguish and sorrow. Sorrow? For her? For me? For this situation, what?!

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