Chapter 60 - Give It Time

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(Songs for this chapter -
Everywhere Everything - THIS CENTURY )


She looks almost peaceful, just soundly sleeping. Like how she looks when she's asleep in my arms, nothing troubling her, no panic or fear, no tears on her face. Her broken leg and hand are raised, sitting comfortably on pillows. She's still wrapped in a lot of bandages but her swelling and bruising is gone. She has a lot of cables connected to her, sensors on her temples, forehead, neck and chest. Just like Sam said but it doesn't bother me, i'm just happy to see her. The relief i feel gazing at her beautiful face, i can't describe it, all the anger, pain, anxiety and sadness is just gone.

She has flowers next to her bed, music playing in the background and Megs is sitting next to her silently reading a book. She looks up and smiles at us all as we walk in the room. I wasn't worried about weather or not they would look after her but they have done so much more than i expected. It makes me feel less guilty for not having been here with her. Megs stands up and gestures me over to her seat.

I slowly walk over, afraid to upset the peacefulness of the room. "She'll be so happy you're here." Megs says as she shuffles past me, pushing me closer to El. I gently put my hand up in her hair, her shaved side has grown out so much already.

"Hi sweetheart." I lean down and whisper to her. "I'm sorry it took so long, i'm here now."

Reds comes up around the other side of her, "Hey little one." he says softly touching her hand. But he looks down at her hand inspecting it in confusion, then quickly looking to Sam.

"Well she had been through so much i wasn't going to also cut more out of her for a skin graft. It's from my own thigh relax, i didn't kill someone to get it." she says it so blase.

"Sam.." Reds sighs, MacGyver dashes to her and picks her up in a hug.

"Oh don't fuss, i healed in a few days it's fine. Her hand and arm is looking good, she took to the new skin well and it should be fully healed in another week or so. She'll have to wear compression wraps for a while but that's all."

"What about rest of her injuries?" I ask my hand still in her hair, my other going to hold her hand.

"Shoulder and stomach wounds are okay no major damage was done. Her pelvis and leg have a ways to go. She shouldn't really move at all with either of those so in a way it's good she's been asleep, I'm sure I'd have to sedate her to keep her in bed otherwise." She smiles at me.

"Yes, you would." Reds chuckles.

I look at Johnny, his face is full of concern again, Megs is next to him her hand on his shoulder. He still feels very guilty, so do I but I guess I can hide it better than he can.

Reds starts to sway a little, "You okay Reds?" I ask looking between him, MacGyver and Sam. He moves over next to him. Holding his arm to stabilize him, and Sam goes straight into doctor mode. She looks at his eyes, checks his pulse and temperature.

"Right where is it!?" She shouts annoyed.

"It's nothing I'm fine, focus on El. I just need some rest." Reds says back quickly, lying.

"You just need my foot up your ass. You have a fever and chills. I know you've got an infected wound some where. Let me see it or I'll have Daniel restrain you and I'll find it myself." She takes no prisoners when she's mad that's for sure. MacGyver tightens his grip on Reds arm.

"Don't make me do it brother, you know I will." He pleas to him. Reds rolls his eyes and pulls his shirt aside to show a very clearly infected wound near his collar bone.

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