Chapter 57 - Let Her Go

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(Song for this chapter -
Lost Without you - FREYA RIDINGS)


I am jolted into an awakened state, instantly sitting up and looking around.

"Ghost it's okay we are back at Alpha site." Johnny says from right next to me, his hand on my shoulder. His face is red and puffy, he's been crying. Everything flooding back into my mind, a tidal wave of grief hitting me in the chest. Her cries and screaming, her broken bones and blood.

"EL!?" I shout at him as i rip my mask off in panic.

"She's awake. I haven't been in to see her, not without you." he sobs out.

I get straight out of bed and hug him. "Better not keep her waiting." I say trying to keep it together. Ushering him out of the room with me.

Sam and MacGyver and are in the hall, I put my hand on his shoulder in thank you. She'd be dead without him. He nods back at me.

"She isn't good, she needs more help than what we can give her here." He says sadly looking at us, then Sam who is holding his hand. "We need to put her in a medically induced coma and take her back to our base. She really shouldn't even be awake now, she's in critical condition."

"But she refuses to go under, she wants to see that you're both alright." Sam sobs.

Just hearing it makes my eyes begin to water, Johnny looks up at me, tears on his face again already. They move out of the way for us to go through. I race to the door and look in.

Reds is by her bedside, holding her hand. She's hooked to a bunch of different machines, a blood IV in her arm, oxygen mask on her face, her body cover in bandages and wrappings, most of them bloodied, her leg raised and in a cast.

Soap puts his fist to his mouth, trying not to lose it, swallowing his emotions.
I walk closer to them, Reds looks up from her and sees me, he takes her oxygen mask off and stands up straight away. Giving me the space he was just in. His face is red and eyes are puffy as well. He nods at me patting my shoulder as he walks past, leaving us three alone. I move around to the bed and stand next to her face. She sees me and instantly starts crying, so do I.

"Hi Simon." She cries. Her voice is still not hers, it's coarse and her words break up when she speaks. I grab her hand and bring my face down to hers.
"Hey beautiful." I whisper back to her. Kissing her forehead. She looks at me so relieved, as if out of everything her body is going through right now her heart was hurting the most.

"Wheres Johnny?" She coarsely whispers.

"He's here." I look up at him at the end of the bed. He's reluctant to move closer. I nod my head closer to her and he swallows coming around the the other side of her.

"You okay Johnny?" She quietly asks reaching her hand out to try and get his.

"I'm so sorry El." He cries, breaking down as he touches her hand getting closer to her.

"My boys are safe, we are all alive, that's all that matters." She looks at Johnny trying to reassure him. He is not doing very well.

"I'll be okay Johnny, i look worse than I am." She lies, he can't tell but I can. He leans in and kisses her cheek.

"I love you."

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