Chapter 16 - Can't Save Everyone

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(Songs for this chapter -
Familiar - AGNES OBEL,


It's been 9 hours and 36 minutes since they left. We haven't heard from any of them. Gaz and i have been taking turns on the radio after they went past their return time. I haven't stopped pacing up and own the landing pad. Its all i can do to keep from going completely out of my mind. I feel sick, sick to my stomach, lungs and heart if that's even possible. It's the not knowing, that's so much worse. What if i have lost them both what if they are out there dead or dying and i'm just sitting here doing nothing. I can't lose them, I can't lose Ghost.

Megs is in there trying to see if she can hack into a communication line, hear a transmission, anything that mentions them. The Airlifer is too big for us to take to that kind of location and they have the only Helicopter with in 5 hours of anywhere near us. Oh god, what about Soap, Price and even Jeimi. They should of been back or radioed in 3 hours ago. That's when everything here started to go crazy.

Everyone on base is geared up and ready to go, even Megs. If we don't hear anything soon Gaz and I, along with Lieutenant Carter who's in charge of Charlie team. Made the decision we would drive the trucks out to there last known location. It will take a lot longer but it's better than waiting around to find out. My heart rate has not calmed down, it will not calm down. I have never been this distressed before, Reds and I have been though countless situations like this. But I haven't with Ghost and the feeling of losing him like this is so much more than I can bear. He can't die, nothing can happen to him, nothing. I will destroy every single person who has even said hello to the Suns. I will kill everyone.

"Reaper." Megs voice comes thought my thoughts and i stop pacing.

"They are incoming," she says it calmly that's a good sign right. I turn around to hear the noise of the heli getting closer. Please don't be hurt, please be okay, please come back to me. My mind is even more anxious now waiting for the Heli to land.

A rough looking Reds is straight off the Heli, assisting Price who's injured around his shoulder. He's bleeding really badly from his head and looks a little beat but he's still conscious. Reds gives me a nod, meaning he's okay as he walks past me with Price, Andrews coming over straight away to help them.

Ghost gets off, he's dirty and has some blood on him but otherwise he looks okay. His eyes however, say he's far from it. Jeimi getting off not so far behind him, she shakes her head at me with a regretful look on her face.

Ghost comes straight up to me and hugs me so tightly, resting his head on my shoulder in a defeated way. I can feel his heart is slow and his body feels as thought it's about to give up on him.

"Simon." I say into his ear, "Where is Soap?"

My nerves can't take much more of this. After what feels like an eternity Ghost finally speaks.

"They took him."

The base is silent with defeat. Price has a concussion and is in the infirmary. He needed 8 stitches in his head. Ghost is sitting on his bed in the bunker room. He's a completely different version of himself. I've tried to comfort him but to no end. I need to talk to Reds, he's the only sound one right now, i need answers and fast. As I walk into the infirmary Andrews is stitching Reds arm. It's already in a sling so he is a little worse for wear than i thought.

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