Chapter 8 - The Distraction {part 1}

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(songs for this chapter -
Love me right - GRETTA RAY
Wicked ones - DOROTHY)


I didn't sleep at all last night, how could i? He carried me to bed, he didn't put me down or loosen his grip once. When we got to the bunk room and he placed me in bed, I didn't let go and he just stayed. Half laying over me, nestled in my neck for what felt like forever but went in the blink of an eye. It's wasn't until he whispered in my ear that he had to get in his own bed before anyone woke up that I released him.

My heart beat out of my chest for the rest of the night and I couldn't stop smiling. Simon said I was beautiful. He told me his name. Me. I could die on this mission today and be completely happy with the little piece of himself that he shared. I was so nervous to show him my face scars i didn't want him to think terribly of me or that i just get hurt all the time. I never expected him to say the wonderful things he said. I...I want to be around him, I shouldn't. I'm more than damaged goods. But. Maybe he won't care and can look past all that. He wasn't bothered by my cheek scars after all. Maybe he might want me around him too.

I got ready, trying to focus on something else, anything else. I'm making my way out to the landing pad when Reds comes up behind me and whispers in my ear.

"If I'd have known I was gonna interrupt love blossoming I would of stayed away." He comes up next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.
"What?" I yell back in a hushed tone.
"I saw him carry you to bed last night." He says. Our heads are both bowed closer to each other like we are a couple of gossiping school girls.
My face just goes bright red. He always gets me, every time.
"Hey there's nothing wrong with that. You don't have your mask on, has everyone seen yet or just him?"
"Just him." I whisper back looking around.
He just gives me a smirk, "You got it bad little one."
"I do not." I snap back knowing full well he can see straight through me.
"Hey." He stops walking and stops me along with him. "You know I just want you to be happy. You have more than earnt a little happiness don't you think?" 
I can see out of the corner of my eye someone is walking closer towards us so I push Reds along with me.
"You are allowed to be happy, you don't have to feel guilty about it." He continues.
"I know." I say in a hushed and fasten tone. Trying to get him to shut up.
"No, you don't." He goes to begin again but as we get closer to the aircraft I can see Ghost and Soap are already there loading supplies.

I cover Reds mouth and then start talking in our own language. I'd like to say it's a cool thing they made up of different languages but it's just random sounds and hand signals. Reds and another Zeta member Bolt made it up to annoy the rest of us but we ended up all learning it and use it to communicate when people are around.

"Gehtace." Which is shut the hell up.
He just rolls his eyes and nods back. So I let him go.

Ghost is looking at us, his eyes are scanning me. They widen a little when he notices I don't have my mask on, only my cap.

"Whoa Reaper!" Soap yells. "Look at you, you're pretty."
"Thanks Soap." I say back to his compliment, still giving Reds a side look.
"Those are some cool scars, makes you look bad-ass."  Ghost and Reds both glare at him simultaneously.
"What, they do." He says in defense looking back between the both of them.
"That's the look I was going for so lucky it worked." I jokingly say back to Soap as I wink at him.

He doesn't know what Reds knows he didn't see it as an open wound or me recovering. The damage was severe and I had to wear a mask for a year. I just got use to it and it helped me blend in. Then I became less and less confident at having my face on display. And Ghost, he saw how I reacted last night to him touching them. I didn't want him to think less of me and it bought all those suppressed emotions to the surface. His opinion is the only one I care about.

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