Chapter 69 - Plans In Place

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(Song for this chapter -
In Your Atmosphere - JOHN MAYER)


"Price and the General are okay with this?" El asks all concerned as we drive out of the base.

"Yes they are fine with it." I answer her.

"And you put a mission log in as to why I'm going off base?" She gets so uneasy when it comes to leaving.

"Yes Ghost and Trekkie put one in the system." I reassure her.

"El you also don't have your trackers in remember? They don't know where you are." Sam comments from the back seat.

"Oh yes, right. I forgot." She relaxes a little more.

"Where are we going Johnny?" She angles herself towards me, asking all sweetly. She's so cute.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I wink over at her.

Ghost and Reds weren't very specific with instructions. They just told us to keep El distracted for the day. Then we are getting a heli ride over to Manchester. Ghost has found a place he wants to ask her in.

I don't know how she hasn't picked up on it yet. I know I'm terrible at lying, they wouldn't of told me if I hadn't guessed it. But she can read everyone so easily. I think it's the fact that she is leaving Zeta to come with us that's masked a lot of the unrest. She's looking at today like it's time spent with the girls before she leaves. Which helps us with the plan so I'm all for it.

"How long is the drive Johnny?" Megs asks me from the backseat.

"It's about two hours ladies, but don't worry you have myself and the radio as entertainment."

"I think we'll take the radio." El sasses at me making the girls in the back laugh.

"Hey! I'll have you know I can carry a tune thank you very much."

"I'm sure you can Johnny." El sends her pretty smile my way.

After surviving the neath death experience of driving a car with three women in it, we get into town and I take them to the spa that Sam picked out.

They carry on and giggle at me most of the time but I don't mind, I've had Els crying face and wounded body in my head for weeks, so it's nice to see her happy and smiling.

Next is lunch I need food, I put my arm out for El to lean on wherever we go, Sam and Megs make fun of me and do the same. Sam loops her arm around the one Megs offers and they walk ahead of us acting like goofballs.

"Just ignore them Johnny, they only do it because they get a rile out of you."

"They do get it, all too easily."

She pulls me down closer to her,
"They both know you well enough now that they can get away with it. Consider it a compliment, they wouldn't be teasing you if they didn't like you." She whispers it in my ear making the hair on my neck stand up.

"I'll try to see it that way, can't make any  promises." She giggles at me.
"What did I say?" I ask her.

"It's nothing, just sometimes you remind me a lot of Simon. I'm sure you've picked up a few of his personality traits given how much time you spend together."

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