Chapter 52 - The Plan

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(Songs for this chapter -
Open Season - JOSEF SALVAT
All Along The Watchtower - JIMI HENDRIX)


I understand they don't want me to get hurt, but I'm still mad. I'm not saying I'm bad with a sniper rifle but I'd much rather kill Sanchez up close.

Actually no, I wouldn't.
Just thinking that made me uncomfortable. I don't want to get that close if I don't have to. Okay maybe Ghost knows me better than I know myself.

I stand up from my sulking spot and walk back towards them, getting to Reds first.

"You done?" He teases. I just nod back, he grabs my arm and pulls be aside. He can tell something is up. "You okay El?"

"I am okay being on the ridge, I don't want to go near Sanchez." I breath out.

"I'm proud of you for saying so. You don't have to be brave all the time, I'm scared too." He gives me that look. We've both lost so much because of that man, I just want him dead and this part over with.

Ghost appears next to Reds shoulder, looking at me asking if i'm alright. He can see that I'm scared, i don't have to actively try and show him that.

"El is happy to be up on the ridge, we're forgiven." Reds says to him.

"Good to hear." He says to me. But his eyes say I won't let him hurt you again.

We are on the way to Uverito, Trekkie sent the decoy message about an hour ago. Hopefully giving us enough time to prepare and get into our positions. The boys are going to set themselves up in pairs along the main street of town, we are guessing a convoy of at least five or six cars so they will need to spread out to make sure we can take them all out, we won't know which one Sanchez is in.

Soap and Hawks are in the front of our truck, Ghost and Reds in the back with me. They were both worried about me so now i am in the middle of the two most stubborn men i know. I love them both dearly but still stubborn.


We arrive within a few hours, Reds and i work on asking the locals if they'd like to leave, obviously can't force them to go but we'd rather they not get in the cross fire.  Ghost with Soap and MacGyver with Reds will be the first two teams setup on either side of the road. They are going to take out the last three cars. Price with Gaz and Hawks with Trekkie will be further down in the same layout to take out the first three cars. We discovered there is a small airfield a few klicks away so Bolt has gone to scout it out. He will be our lookout up the road so he can tell us exactly when they are incoming. And of course i'll be up on my ridge, it does have a good look of the town from up there. I'll be able to cover all the teams from up there.

By lunch time we have most of the town empty and are all set to go. We're not sure how long it will be until they come through so we are all going to wait in potions so they don't get the drop on us.

"Ghost can i talk to you for a second?" I ask, he drops what he's going straight away and takes me around behind a building away from Soap.

"Are you alright beautiful?" He looks down at me concerned.

"I'm fine Simon i just wanted a kiss before i go up there." I giggle.

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