Chapter 50 - Closing In

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Sorry to keep you all waiting, I got a little distracted by my other story.

(Songs for this chapter -
Watch Me Die - MARTIN WAVE)


"Reaper flank left." Reds commands from a few feet in front of me. I go left around the light posts, Soap close behind me. Reds and Trekkie go right. The smell of the sea is something i haven't had in a while.

The yacht is up ahead, at the end of the pier. Ghost, Price, Hawks and MacGyver are coming in from the other side via the water. Gaz and Bolt are on overwatch about a klick behind us. We all stealthy make our way up either side of the pier, keeping to the shadows. The cover of night is extremely helpful. The sounds of the yacht party are getting louder and louder as we get closer.

We stop about 150 feet from the yachts gangway and wait for the others to get into position. Given that some of us have been seen in Caracas and we are becoming more notorious among the Sun's we all have our faces covered. I've got my half mask back on and Soap has a mask similar to Simon's. It's a bit cute, he's like a mini version of him, a fact that Reds and I teased him about on the way here.

"Zeta in position." Reds radios from the other side of the pier, i can see them about 60 feet away from us.

"How's your injuries Reaper, you doing okay?" He whispers while we wait.

"Ribs are not quite healed but i'm okay." I answer.

"Let me know if you need to rest."

I turn around and glare at him. "Ghost told you to make me take it easy didn't he?"

"No, i'm just concerned about you." He is a terrible liar.

"Well don't be, I'm fine." I retort back looking over to the yacht.

If i didn't love the man so much i'd be jumping in that water to strangle him. Making Soap babysit me, he's in trouble that's for sure.

"Bravo in position." We hear from Price a few minutes later.

"Waiting on clearance stand by." Gaz relays. They are watching the high decks that we can't see for patrons. This will be a little tricky, a yacht full of people both cartel and not. But it was the only time i could find that Tovar would be out of Caracas. He deals with the human trafficking side so there will be some unwilling attendee's on that boat. Price assured me we would try and get everyone off that we can.

"Zeta-one you're clear move in." Trekkie is talking to Soap and I. We move up low and quick, onto the stern gangway and into the main deck. We are are in one of the outdoor lounge areas, crouched in position.

"Zeta- two clear to move in." Trekkie gives the all clear to Reds.

"Bravo team, lower deck port quarter entry point clear." Gaz gives the okay for them to move in as well.

They are clearing the lower and tank deck, we are clearing the main and upper deck before we all move to the the bridge and sun deck. Soap and i watch as Reds and Trekkie move up the forward gangway before we move from the back deck to start clearing rooms.

Soap opens the first door for me and i move in, three men are in here drinking and playing cards, i silently shoot the first two, Soap taking out the last one before i can get to him. We move through this lounge area to the next room, the gaming bar. Soap looks through the porthole in the door to see if anyone is inside.

"Looks clear." he whispers. I nod and quickly open the door for him, following close behind.

No ones in here, next we have two more rooms, one left and one right. We move to the left one first should be a poker room. Soap opens the door and there is a man kissing a dancer. I don't hesitate, one in the ribs one in the leg, two more to the chest once he's on the ground. The woman looks at us scared but she doesn't scream.

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