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The sounds of claps echoed throught the whole harem making everyone wake up just like the 4 other mornings i spent here . I was little by little getting used to the palace and it wasn't that horrible but whenever i think about the fact that sultan suleyman can ask for a concubine among us it makes me wanna die .

I didn't want to Serve him at all , he was as old as my grandfather and it was clearly horrible.

" Today we have so many things to do , in five minutes i don't wanna see anyone sleeping " fahriye kalfa yelled again .

I woke up next to nadia and she looked so funny with her hair on her face . She sighed and pushed it away .

" Looks like we have a lot to do today " i said teasing her and helped her get up . We quickly  arranged our beds . And gave them to the kalfas who took them somewhere else , everyone headed to the bath room . We all waited in line to get in which took exactly one hour since the other bath room was getting fixed .

After me and nadia finished we both headed back to the harem and helped the kalfas put the breakfast on the multiple tables there . It took some time to get everything settled

" On table " fahriye yelled making everyone head to their tables , me and nadia headed to the nearest table and sat around it along with four other girls .

We all digged in and started eating but i wouldn't be a day in the harem if they don't bring up the princes ,i was almost fed up with the same subject all over again .

" They will be arriving today i wonder how they look like " the girl names safiye said excitedly

" But i wonder why they are coming , is the sultan sick ? " Nadia whispered to us and they all started to gossip about it except  for me as i was busy enjoying the food .

" If mahidevran sultan comes then the palace will become fiery " another girl said laughing .

Just some seconds after sumbul came back to us .

" Move move today we have a lot to do " sumbul spoke gaining our attention . We immediately got up from our seats and walked towards him .

He gave us each their tasks and i had a task in the gardens , i was so happy i've always wanted to go there .

" Beware hurrem sultan wants them to smell beautiful " he warned me again after giving me a pair of scissors .

I looked at nadia who had to go wash clothes and she looked unsatisfied .

" Can nadia accompany me " i asked sumbul gently put he shrugged me off .

" Go do your task before i give you a hard one " he yelled at me one last time before i walked away , i walked alone throught the hallway who took to the garden .

After some minutes i have already found myself there , the garden was so so beautiful and looked so colorful .

" Oh my " i said looking around in awe , i have never seen such a beautiful place before .

I walked around the gardens and the gards immediately turned to the other side , i quicklu understood their behavior so i immediately headed to the nearest tree , i reached out to a beautiful white flower whom i assumed just bloomed .

I reached out to it but it was way too far for me and i knew i couldn't ask the help of any man here . So i just tried to reach it out and failed , i let out a sight before  i saw a hand grab the flower gently . I looked at the person infront of me and it was a man in his middle 20's , he had very beautiful features and looked so beautiful .

" This is the season when flowers look the prettiest " he said looking at the flower between his hand .

" Here have it " he put it in the basket hanged around my hand and i was still shocked over how beautiful he was .

He continued looking for other flowers and picked so many as i was following him around . I was just admiring him and his generous help .

" My mother likes these the most " he said picking a rose and putting it in my hand but suddenly i felt something sharp in my hand 

I looked at my finger who was bleeding ,i knew that i was scratched by the flower . Before i can put the flower in my basket the young man grabbed my hand and looked at it before taking off a tissue from his pocket and put it aroung the little scratch

" It's nothing thank you " i said trying to take my hand away because i would be in trouble if someone sees me with a man .

" i should go , just keep it " he gave me a warming smile before turning away .

I looked at him one last time before his silhouette started to fade away , i looked at my hand once again before letting out a small chuckle . Guess i will think about this man for the next days

" Sofia , sumbul agha is so mad at you and is calling you " i looked at the girl who stood behind me .

" Oh my god i must be super late " i said running back towards the harem to find sumbul yelling at the girls and when he saw me , he immediately started yelling at me

" Where were you this whole time " he said taking the basket away from me .

" it took some time " i replied back and he eyed me up and down before pointing at the girls .

I looked at them standing around something and some were choosing fabrics , i approached them and managed to make a space to see clearly .

" What are these " i asked the girl next to me who was busy admiring her yellow fabric .

" Hurrem Sultan sent this to us , and gave us the permission to make dress out of them." The girl smiled again and i nodded .

I looked at the tissues and reached out to a dark purple and a red one . I pulled them to me so no one could take them and gave them to the kalfa who was gonna take them to the trailor .

I walked back to my bed and sat there thinking about the guy from earlier , i couldn't get him out of my mind .

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